Chapter 17

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Sam looked up from the ground on which he laid to his brother who was stabbing the last demonically possessed man with a glittering angel blade. Blood dripped into one eye as he struggled to rise to his feet, a gash torn into the flesh of his side oozed more blood between his fingers of his hand that pressed against the wound.

"Dean," he gasped as he called to his brother softly. Standing on his feet, he struggled with each step towards Dean, reaching him just as he saw a faint purple glow highlight in his brother's eyes.

"What the—"

Sam didn't finish the sentence. A powerful wave of emotion hit him in his gut and it took his breath away. Diamond. Duty called them to her but that urgency of the moment changed to near desperation so quickly that he couldn't breathe. What if she was in danger?

"Sammy? Sam!" Dean grabbed his brother's shoulder and shook him out of his panic, blinking rapidly as clear thoughts took over him once more. They needed to get into the room where she was.

"Did you feel that?" Sam asked. Dean looked him over and noticed the gash on Sam's side. Sam would live, he concluded. He survived worse. Now on to more pressing matters.

"Let's go, Sammy," Dean turned his attention to the closed door facing them. Sam nodded and held tight to his side as they approached the door. On the count of three, Dean kicked the door in and was greeted with the sight of Castiel crumpled in a heap in the corner of the hotel room, two demons holding down Diamond and a tall man hovering close to the threesome. Dean went over to Cass, kneeling with his hand on Castiel's shoulder, looking for signs of life. He only turned away when Castiel stirred and tried to rise on his own, assuring Dean he was alright.

Sam felt a rage burn through him as the demons turned Diamond around to face the intruding party. She was in rough shape, but alive.

"Let her go," Sam told the possessed men before him, slowly raising his angel blade to threaten them. The tall man laughed at Sam's feeble attempt to save the girl just as Diamond's eyes met Castiel's.

"She's coming," she whispered. Castiel nodded.

"I heard her, feel her presence coming closer—"

"And without your necklace, dear one, she will do as much harm to her precious child as she will the rest of us. So let her come with me, boys, and I promise no harm will come to the girl. You don't really want to fight me, do you, boys?" The man grinned kindly, his eyes twinkling with the mischief he felt as a surge of power that only knowing you have the upper hand could bring to anyone.

"Can it, fugly," Dean yelled at grinning Knight of Hell as he raised a gun to the level of his eyes. "We know who you are, what you are and we aren't letting you go anywhere... Belial."

Belial's grin slipped slightly from his face as he saw the gun and heard his name. Then he clasped his hands together as he laughed heartily.

"What a crude weapon to flail about in such a manner before a being such as myself," his southern drawl was enhanced by his glee. He grabbed Diamond from the two demons and motioned them with a wave of his hand to attack Dean, Sam and Castiel.

One of the demons went after Dean without hesitation as the other pushed his fist into the hurting side of Sam, causing him to fall to his knees with hardly an effort before being kicked in the face. Dean went to shoot the gun but it was knocked out of his hand by his opponent's punches to the gut and a twist of his wrist against Dean's own. It slid across the floor, far from Dean's reach.

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