Looking For Love

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23 may 2019

I was looking for love when i was 10
I saw love across the hallway
And i turned away
Hiding behind my group of friends
Too much redness to comprehend
It's automatic
Shy hide me away from reaching out
Because my arms were too short
And the hallway was too long

I was looking for love when i was 13
I saw love and couldn't recognize it
The voice
The pimples on the forehead
Love became taller than me and
I never really look up to it
Hanging out with our own cliques
Love was in the air
And i was lying on the green grass
Hands spread out across the sky

I was looking for love when i was 17
I saw signs of love
I followed them as a guidance
Not realizing i was walking in a maze
Got lost in something i don't understand
But, i was naive
Dying to find more signs that gives
More vivid directions, plunging
Into the deeper part of the maze

I was looking for love when i was 20
I saw love from the distance
Knowing that i wouldn't be able
To stretch my hand across the hallway
Knowing that looking up to the sun
Will just blind my eyes
Knowing that the signs
Were warnings of what to come
At that time
Love walks towards me
Saying words as fresh as the air
On the field full of green grass
Leading me by tangling our hands
Across the long hallway
And as i was looking for love
Love found me

This poem is inspired from the spoken poetry of poets Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye - "When Love Arrives". If you guys are interested, you can go check the link below and enjoy!!

P.s Sarah Kay is one of my fav poet, she is amazing!!

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