
649 32 3

14 may 2019

5 months to create 100 poems
Of the bad memories we cherish
The fights and tears
The broken promises
The silence
And the reconciliations

We found our true nature
When emotions are in control
We spouted words we didn't mean
Clawing on the open scars
Ignoring the fact that
Love exists between us

And yet
Through all of these unpleasant times
We learned how to settle down
To control our monsters
Always try to open our eyes and look
At what trully matters

We had been blinded by love
And these fights opened our eyes
What we saw wasn't always good
But we decided to love
Through it all
And we matured
In life
In love

------- End of Book -------

Finally the book is completed, thankyou for the supports peeps!! ❤
I am planning on publishing a new book, but nor sure yet about when to post since that book still have a lot of planning to do.
Thankyou once again!!

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