Part 23

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 15, sunset

My eyes slowly opened as I felt my body sink lower and lower into the sand. I didn't even realize I was on land until my eyes were fully opened. I looked up and squinted my eyes. The sun was directly on my face. The last thing I remembered was seeing Meghan get wiped out from the wave and being pulled under before me and everyone else was too.

Everyone else.

I jerked my body upwards and I felt my head throb. I ignored any sign of pain and I looked around me frantically. Where was Meghan? I hope she is okay. Where's Darcy, Michael, and Edmond too.

I stood to my feet and instantly tumbled back down. My hip gave out along with my left leg. I was on my knees looking around. There was sand around me but I was so far off from actual sand it was mostly just sharp rocks. That didn't help me with walking at all.

I saw a smudge of brown hair in the distance and recognized it as Darcy's. I started crawling to the unmoving body slumped over on a rock. As I got closer and closer I saw blood dripping from her eyes and mouth. The sight was awful and it burned into my brain as I lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes opened and she didn't say anything.

I couldn't speak my throat felt like it was ripped open. Fuck, this could be hell for all I'd know. I tried standing again and felt my self starting to tumble over but forced myself to keep my weight up. I felt like something was about to get me. Like I was in a race and needed to get moving before someone came to beat me. I felt trauma wash over my body. I shuddered as I bent down to pick Darcy's small body up into my arms. My hip felt as if someone was stabbing me with a hot iron rod. My leg felt like it's bone was split down vertically from my thigh to my ankle.

While holding Darcy I turned around to see Michael crawling to me only using his arms. He wasn't using his legs and that worried me. I saw I look of horror in his eyes. The pain in my body was getting so bad I didn't know how long I would be able to hold myself up, but I went over to Michael nonetheless and lifted him onto my back. I heard him crying as he coughed up water and blood onto my back. I saw black spots and tried to blink them away.

I started walking west hoping I'd see Meghan or Edmond within the next yard radius.

But I didn't.

I started to assume she was dead.

I just kept telling myself that I would see her in a few more steps. To just keep going and I will see her. I limped forward with a sobbing Michael on my back and a unconscious Darcy in my arms.

This was torture. Michael held on tighter as Darcy started to whimper. I could tell she was gaining her senses back and I wiped some blood away from her eyes and mouth. "S-shhh your okay," I said quietly. My voice was hoarse and raspy.

I kept limping not knowing where I was going. It got so dark to a point where I forced my self to stop.

I fell to my knees and laid Darcy down Michael down too. As soon my body crashed to the cold sand I was out cold.

Day 16, midday

I woke up once again on the sand. The trauma I suffered before came rushing back and I sat up quickly again taking in my surroundings and going to reach out to find Darcy and Michael to protect.

And soon as I felt their bodies next to mine I felt relieved. I looked at them and checked their pulses to make sure they were still alive because I remembered Meghan doing something like that before back on the raft. They were not strong pulses but they were still beating.

I felt my shoulders getting wet and I looked up. I didn't even know it was raining. I opened my mouth to the sky.

When my throat didn't feel as bone dry as before, I carefully opened Darcy and Michael's mouths. I knew that this was the best way they could get some water.

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