Part 31

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 24, afternoon

"Lucas I can't go anymore," Darcy said, her voice full of pain.

We have been walking for days only stopping to rest when we needed to. Edmond was long gone by now. I wasn't going to stay with someone who very possibly hurt someone else on purpose. We have been looking for Meghan everywhere. She was nowhere to be found. And I'm past starting to think we are going the wrong way. Each day that went by my heart aches for her.

"Hey, Darcy you good?" I said concerned while Michael stayed close by my side.

"No. No... my body is... it hurts Lucas." She said getting frustrated trying to describe her level of pain. We've been on thin ice these past few days. I have been giving my food to the kids and I can tell that we need more than we're getting. We've seen deer but our strength is down to points were hunting an animal is close to impossible.

There were some moments where we only ate grass and dirt. The further away we went from the shore the better, but the lack of food was killing me.

Quite literally.

I tried to pick Darcy up but my legs gave out. I slumped to my knees and made sure Darcy was not hurt before setting her down.

"Fuc— shi—we need to keep going." I hissed trying to correct myself. I was trying not to swear in front of Darcy or Michael considering they were little kids. I didn't realize how much I swear until I had to stop.

Michael eyes me suspiciously. "We should rest. Especially you Darcy..." he said patting her head before his hand was swatted away by Darcy.

"Don't touch me you fool I'm still mad at you," Darcy said coldly before turning away from him and stomping off.

"What was that about?" I asked Michael as I watched him closely from where I was sitting. Michael looked down in shame. "I dunno." He said obviously hiding something.

"It doesn't seem to be 'I dunno' Michael," I said repeating his words. I pushed my hair that began to fall over my eyes while still keeping an eye on Darcy who sitting against a tree and poking the ground with a stick.

"Fine." Michael huffed gaining my attention. "I might have told her... that she was pretty." He said awkwardly. I stared at him for a while before I started laughing.

Michael shot his head in my direction. "What's so funny!" He said defensively.

"Why'd she get mad?" I said once I calmed down.

"Well, all I remember is Darcy getting sad at first because she didn't agree with me. I didn't understand why because I truly meant it. Then she got mad and said; 'you're lying you ignominious crumb.'" He explained.

"What the hell is an ignominious crumb?" I asked.

"That's what I said!" Michael retorted quickly.

"I don't see why that's something to get mad about? Maybe you should just tell Darcy your sorry." I said shrugging.

"But if I said sorry, that'd be lying."

"Michael here's the thing with women, you say sorry, even if your right. Because no matter what you do... well your wrong." I explained honestly.

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