Chapter #49 John

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    My day began off with a well... good start?

    For once, my alarm clock didn't buzz in my ear, and I woke a few minutes later, rubbing my eyes dazed, and letting in a deep breath of air in. I could hear the birds chirping outside, and began to notice that the window was open. It wasn't like that when I went to bed...

     I dismissed any suspicions, and lazily stretched. After fumbling out of the bed, I dusted my knees, and put on my attire I had been wearing yesterday. I would have to go back home to get my uniform...

     Okay then, now I have to go and wash my face, I'm sure I look horribly crazy. There's probably a line of drool going off the side of my face. Not to mention my even messier hair, even though I don't like it organized, nobody's morning hair is good.

      When I began to head off to the bathroom that Elaine had shown me to before we went to bed, I noticed someone huddled to the corner. When I looked closer, I noticed the magenta hair flowing down the figures back, automatically making me assume it was Sera.

      But why was she like this?

      I walked over to her, and shook her shoulder slightly. Asking a soft, "Hey, Sera, are you alright?" But to my concern, she didn't show any reaction, nor a flinch. I shook her shoulder again, harder this time, and when I figured that she was asleep and probably wasn't going to wake up, I went to find Elaine.

"Hey, Elaine!" I ran towards the blue haired girls room, pausing to knock at her door. "Elaine? Are you awake?"

From the outside of the door, I could hear a couple grunts of fatigue and footsteps. When the door opened, I was greeted by the blue haired girl. Her hair was messy, and hardly curled up into the same fashion that she usually wore.

"John." Here eyes narrowed, and I could tell she was trying not to sound frustrated. "What is it? Why would you wake me up at this time?"

When she saw the look of distress on my face, she sighed, calming her face slightly. I grabbed her wrist, and began taking her to the room Sera had been asleep in. When I pointed towards the sleeping figure on the floor, curled up into a ball, Elaine gasped.

       "Is that Seraphina?" Her voice masked worry, and she began to make her way towards the magenta haired girl. The bag beside her was there as well, and I walked towards it, suspicious.

       Once Elaine reached her hand and touched Sera's arm, her eyes glowing lightly, she clenched her teeth. "She seems to be asleep, and in pain at the same time. I just can't tell what it is!"

     Forgetting about the bag, I looked over to scan over Sera. She seemed to be fine, her hands weren't tight nor clenched, so I didn't see her in much pain. However, when Elaine unwrapped Sera's arms and set her up in a position where we could see her face, there wasn't anything different.

She didn't have a single bruise, cut, or injury. Elaine waved me over, and pointed to her eyes. "You c-can mimics my ability, right?" She placed her hand back down to her knee, and stared back at Sera, almost as if she wanted to know what had happened.

I crawled over to the two of them, and my eyes glowed, activating my ability. Instead of a rush of power, it was more warmth. More like a sort of determination than powerfulness, I sort of liked it.

When I put my hands facing Sera, trying to figure out what was wrong, I hardly spotted anything. She didn't necessarily have any cuts nor bruises, and no certain movements at all. She just seemed to be asleep, but I could see where Elaine had thought that Sera was in pain.

     "Elaine," I looked over to the blue haired girl. "I can't seem to spot anything either, do you think we should just wake her up instead?"


      The girl beside me tried tapping Sera on the head, getting a bit harder when she saw no reaction. She then attempted to shake her, and got an annoyed expression on her face when Sera didn't even budge. Giving up on that, she then picked her up, lifting her off the ground.


       And just like that, Elaine dropped her, releasing her arms and watching as she fell to the ground. There wasn't that much height to the fall, but it should be enough to wake her up.

      We both stared at her, half expecting her to jump up in worry and anticipation. However, she just laid there, hadn't even opened her eyes yet. This was beginning to get worrying...

Right before me of Elaine could react, or reach out to try to help her up, her eyes fluttered open. Automatically, her hand reached to rub her eyes, and she stretched her head lazily, looking up at the two of us.

"Wait..." she sat up, rubbing her back, "Where am I?"

Elaine crouched down, reaching a hand to touch Sera's shoulder. "We are at the dorm silly!" She smiled, sighing in relief. "Jeez Seraphina, you had me worried there. You shouldn't have done that!"

Right when Elaine had finished speaking, Sera's eyes came out of focus. Her teeth clenched, and she grabbed her arm, pressing it to her chest. Her face showed pain, but she hid it well, and didn't make a sound.


It was my turn to crouch down, reaching for her arm. However, when I made contact with her skin, she pulled away, a terrified look on her face. When she realized it was just me, she leaned against the wall, closing her eyes and grimacing.

"What's going on?" The blue haired girl stood up, looking at both of us in worry. "Seraphina! What's wrong with your arm?!"

When the magenta haired girls blue eyes glanced at Elaine, they immediately looked down to the floor. "It's fine," she told us, stubbornly standing up. "Just leave me be." With that, she began walking out, sighing impatiently and hanging her head down low.

When I stood up to go after her, Elaine was the one who stopped me. "Don't go after her," she mumbled, looking away. "She gets like this sometimes, I'm not very surprised. It's best just to give her space."

My first reaction would be to tell her that I didn't care. And that I made my own decisions, and I was willing to be responsible for them. But the look in her eye stopped me, a sort of sadness I had seen before.

"Okay..." I nodded, turning around and walking towards the door. "I need to get my uniform anyway, I gotta go back to my apartment." I didn't hide the frustration in my voice, well, seems like I'm still going to have to walk back home anyway....

"Well... meet you at school then," the blue haired girl offered me a smile, and then turned around. "We've got exchange students today too..."

That was the last thing I heard as I walked out of the dorm, my footsteps echoed in the hallway, and nobody was awake. Or at least it didn't seem like it.

The only sigh of movement was the running I could hear from the other hallway. Most likely Sera going over to the infirmary to check her hand. Should I go after her? After all, aren't friends supposed to help each other?

My decision was made when I started walking the other way, to the nearest exit. No, I wouldn't help her, she probably wouldn't want my help anyway, not to mention that she doesn't even trust me.

I let a sigh escape my mouth, and I glanced at the ground.

Does anyone trust me?

Again, so, for the 50th chapter, I have heard from others that doing a 'Truth or Dare' for unOrdinary is what they would like. If so, then could you please give me more questions that you would like some of the unOrdinary cast asked?
Thanks for reading!

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