Chap. 21: Chris's Decision pt.1

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(Picture of Katie Morgan Above)
*Katie's POV*

Chris canceled all of his meeting for the rest of the day just to stay in and comfort me. He invited me over to his house to watch a movie and popcorn. And one thought came to my head: sex.
"Um, just let me shower really quick and change into something clean." I say shyly, blushing.
               Chris puts the lid down on the donut box. He sits back on my couch, putting his hands behind his neck and crossing his right leg over his left. I always cross my ankles, like how Mia Thermopolis had to do on Princess Diaries.
           Awkwardly, I grab my clothes and hurry into the shower. Biting my lip as I undress, I can't help but have a sexy scenario in my head. I wish it was Chris who was washing my naked body instead of myself. His lips on my neck as he touches my untouched places.... WHOA THERE LITTLE SLUT! I have to control myself. It really doesn't matter if Chris is in the other room in a nice suit that covers—probably nice and hairy and super toned—his warm chest. And it doesn't matter if he's thinking about me naked. Or even HAS thought about me naked before. God, my ankles feel weak at those delicious thoughts. Too bad I'm a good girl, or Chris would have the time of his life—I would probably get embarrassed and chicken out anyways. Craporito!


                 So Chris took me over to his house, which is still really nice. I played with Copper as Chris changed out of his nice suit. I couldn't control my thoughts as I wondered what he looked like underneath all those expensive layers. It only made a small pool in my panties.
           "So, what do you want to watch? I have many genre's to choose from." Chris's voice says from behind the couch.
            Turning, I watch as Chris walks into his living room with a Mickey Mouse hoodie and Nike sweatpants. Copper abandons me and runs up to his owner, jumping around happily.
            "Um? What movies do you have?" I ask, feeling nervous about us being on this couch for the first time since our first date. "I like just about anything besides scary movies."
              "Do you like romantic movies?" Chris walks over to a cabinet and opens the door, reveling A LOT of movies. "I personally favor romance, but some people aren't into intimate films."
                Aww, Chris is a romantic type of guy. My cheeks blush pink with adoration. I can't help but stare at his dorito shaped back and cute little butt. I bite my lip at the wonderful sight.
           "I like romantic movies." I force myself to say so I can keep enjoying the view. "And I love comedy movies as well..."
           Suddenly, Chris turns around. He holds two movies in his hands. He has The Little Mermaid and Legend Of the Falls in his hands. Wow, he owns the Little Mermaid? A middle to late aged man owns the Little Mermaid? Not that there is anything wrong with that, he probably has that for his future nieces or his little sister—oh God. What if he has a daughter?
             "I have more, if you don't like these options." He goes and searches his movie cabinet.
                Feeling as if I am being incredibly rude, I get up and walk over to Chris. I wrap my arms around his warm chest, peaking my head over his arm. My eyes scan—WOW, Chris has A LOT of romance movies as much as Disney movies. I see just a few action movies. Chris puts his hand over mine, rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand.
                "Mmm, we can watch the Little Mermaid." I try, in my mind, to think of the romance and Disney movies as a positive thing. "You sure do love Disney movies."
               Chris nervously chuckles. "Yeah, growing up my parents would take our family to DisneyLand every two years. We owned and LOVED just about every Disney film on VHS."
Feeling cute, I place my lips on Chris's bicep (because he's taller than her) and slowly kiss his hoodie. I can't help but want to be close with him, trying to think up every excuse. Chris handled my current crisis gracefully, not reacting how I had imagined. It's was so sweet and nice and kinda sexy...
         As Chris puts in the movie, I can't help but stare at his dorito shaped back and his cute little butt. I panicked when he began to turn around, praying to God that Chris catch me staring. If he had, he didn't show it. As placing the DVD case on the glass coffee table, I forced myself not to follow him into the kitchen. God, what is the matter with me? Chris is obviously being nice and I'd trying to make me feel better and all I can think about is pouncing on the poor guy. Maybe it's this couch. It has superpowers—or its cursed.

~~~~~~ to be continued~~~~~~

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