Chap. 93: This Little

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*Katie's POV*

I set the plate down in front of Chloe, receiving the same frown from the night before when I told her that we were staying in a hotel for a few days. She misses Chris terribly. Chloe pushes her plate away, shaking her head.
"Eat, mi amor." I say to her, "Be thankful for what you have."
"I want Papa." Chloe says in a small voice.
"Well, we're going to be away from Papa for a while." I say, my heart clenching at the thought of that man. "He doesn't care about us."
"But I want my Papa." Chloe says with a wobbling lip, "I want to go home."
I brush the hair out of her face, lifting her chin. "Mi amor, Papa is a liar. He pretends to love us when he really doesn't."
"So, Papa doesn't love me?" Tears fall down Chloe's cheeks.
No, I can't tell her that Chris doesn't love her. Because I know he does. He just doesn't love me, and I should be more clear of that.
"Papa doesn't love me anymore." I clear my throat, wiping a tear away. "Papa will always love you, Mi Amor."
"Why doesn't Papa love you anymore?" Chloe says in her baby voice, "Did he do something bad?"
I quickly nod my head. "Yes, Papa did something very bad to Mama."
Chloe stares at me then her plate. She wrinkles her nose.
"I don't like these eggs." Chloe says in her baby voice, "I like the way Papa makes them, with ketchup."
Something inside me begins to shake. What doesn't Chloe understand? We are not going home! Chris doesn't love me and he never did! How could I ever be with him again?
"Well, make do." I say annoyed, stabbing my eggs with my fork.
"But I don't—" I cut Chloe off.
"Chloe," I say with red cheeks "Papa is not here and you will eat what the hotel is serving. Now eat it and shut up."
Chloe pouts her lower lip at me, using her fork to play with her food. I could just cry, not even my child wants to stay with me. Nobody really wants me.


Chloe didn't eat much, which means she'll be extra hungry for lunch. She naps on the bed. I cry in the bathroom sink, watching my tears fall onto the granite counter. I wish I had someone to hold me and to tell me it's going to be alright. God, how could have I been so foolish?
"God, I'm so lost." I fall to my knees, my hands grasping he countertop. "Please send me someone whose going to make this all better!"
Suddenly, there's an unlocking sound of the door. The blood in my face and upper body leaves, making me go pale. Wow, God, that was fast.
Out steps—NO! No no no no no! Anger boils inside me. Chris stands there in his dirty sweats. How did he even get a key to get in? How did he find us? Chris walks on into the hotel room, not noticing that I'm right here. I quickly get up, my legs wobbly. I walk out of the bathroom and into the bed and living room part of the hotel room.
Chris is sitting on the bed, gently shaking Chloe awake. Oh, I could rip his greasy hair out! He caresses Chloe's cheek, smiling down at her.
"How did you get in here?" I say angrily, Chrie whips around to face me. "Are you tracking me or something?"
Chris quickly stands up and walks towards me. I start to--OH! My body is thrown against a wall. Firm hands grab the back of my neck and hip. Chris's lips firmly smash into mine. I fight against him, trying to get loose from his grip, but I'm so weak. I continue to try to push him away but it doesn't work.
Chris presses me hard against the wall, his hands managing to find mine. He manages to press them against the wall before raising them above my head. Chris kisses me deeper pressing me even harder into the wall. I nearly fall but Chris's hands automatically catch me, holding onto my butt and back. I wrap my arms around his neck and shoulders as he wraps my leg around his waist.
"I want a divorce." I say breathlessly, my eyes locked on his lips.
"You can't have one." Chris says heavily, "I'm not going to let you tear this family apart."
Now I'm pissed again. "You did that yourself when you decided to sleep with Rachael!"
"I slept with Rachael before I even slept with you!" Chris exclaims, still pressing our bodies against the wall. "I have NEVER committed adultery!"
"Then why did you hide it from me?" I say angrily, growling.
"Because Rachael never mattered, Katie!" Chris shouts at me, "You only mattered and I was scared to lose you."
"Yeah right!" I spit in his face.
Chris softly presses his lips to mine. I hold his face, kissing him back with more attention. His hands hold onto my hip and face as he kisses me. Suddenly, small hands grab our legs. We both look down to see a smiling Chloe.
Chris puts am arm around her, holding her close.
"Come home." Chris says to me.
"I can't." I say stubbornly, "I booked two more nights."
" I refunded all if it" Chris says quickly.
"You can't do that!" I exclaim.
" Its my bank account sweetheart." He claps back.
This little--

Ha, you all thought I wouldn't leave you on another cliffhanger. YOU WERE WRONG!

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