movie time

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School the next day went the same as any other day so far- except with the detention part.

I got up, Cooper took us to school, I talked to Noah and Dillion in art without Ryan bothering us, I talked to Jace in 3rd period, I ate lunch in Mr. Bradshaws office, I went through 4th-6th period normally, and now it was 7th period.

The period I got to see my girls Tiyla and Everleigh in!

I was one of the first ones in the class today, so I took a seat in the back and sat down. Tiyla and Everleigh eventually came in and sat beside me, leaving me in the middle.

"You guys should come to Karaoke Mania on friday night," Everleigh said.

I normally don't believe in the universe giving me signs, but I really feel like the universe was giving me a sign.

It's like the world WANTS me to go.

"You're going?" I asked surprised.

"Uh, duh. Almost all the freshman are going," She said,"So can y'all please come? I don't want to be alone and out of all the people I met yesterday, I like you guys the most. My sister will even pick you guys up from your houses!" she added.

"I'll ask my brothers!" I said, "But no promises that they'll actually let me,"

"YES!" she said almost screaming.

"Remember, no promises," I smiled.

"Okay okay,"

I turned to Tiyla.

"Can you go Tiyla?" I asked.

"No, I wish," She said. "I have to watch my siblings in friday"

"Aw," Everleigh said.

"Maybe next time, y'all have fun!" Tiyla said smiling.

Everleigh looked at me.

"I'll text you later tonight about it if you can go or not," Everleigh said.

Tiyla, Everleigh, and I did work and talked some more until it was time to go.

When the bell rung, I went out to the car.

No one waited for me outside today.

I guess they thought I would figure the way out by now... and they were right. I knew the way out, finally.

I saw all my brothers sitting in the car, ready to go. Of course, I was the last one to get to the car.

They all gave me their 'why are you so slow to get to the car' look and then as soon I got into the car, Cooper took off.

When we got home I asked Cooper, "If I asked Luke to go somewhere with my friend Everleigh, do you think he'd let me go?"

"Yeah I'm sure he will, as long as he knows where it is and what time it starts and ends," he said. "Where is it gonna be at?"

"Karaoke Mania" I said.

"Oh, that's not a bad place, I used to love going there with my friends, I'm sure he'll say yes"  Cooper said.

"Okay," I said.

Everleigh texted me telling me what time it started and what time it ended.

She also asked me if my brothers said yes.

Just as I was about to respond, Asher asked,
"Hey, do you want to play a game with me?"

"No thanks," I said walking up the stairs.

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