The Bus Ride

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I don't really remember anything that happened last night.

All I remember is crying myself to sleep.

I haven't done that in a while.

I felt so disgusting but I also felt a little refreshed.

I definitely don't want to go to school this morning because of my face, but it doesn't look as bad as it did on Friday, so I'm okay with it a little.

I'm just scared to walk in and everyone talk about me.

I wish I could just stay and just hang out with my brothers the whole day, but I know they definitely wouldn't let me do that.

I also don't want people to know what happened at Karaoke Mania.

I still can't get over the fact that I feel like CRAP right now though.

I already know this day is going to be horrible.

I got out of bed, said my prayers, and got ready for school.

I didn't feel like going to school all cute, especially with my face looking bad and all the drama that has happened within the past few days, so I just decided to go to school looking like a bum.

I tied my hair up in a messy bun, put my grey leggings on and slipped on a cute, purple, graphic tee.

I looked into the mirror and almost cried because of how bad my face looked.

I rushed into my drawer and found my moms foundation and poured it all over my face.

I really didn't know what I was doing but I needed to make my bruises go away.

I messed with it some more until I
got the hang of it.

After I was done, the bruises still looked noticeable but it wasn't as worst I guess.

All I know is that I looked like a hot mess today.

I went downstairs and all my brothers were sitting, eating breakfast.

They all looked at me as I walked down the stairs, AS usual.

"Hey Paisley" Luke said.

They all said hi and good morning to me.

"You look pretty today" Cooper said, trying to give me a compliment.

"Shut up" I snapped at him, even though I knew he meant it.

I don't care though.

I'm kinda mad at him for telling all
my other brothers the stuff about Karaoke Mania, but I mean, it was the right the to do for me I guess.

"Geez" Cooper said.

"Are you wearing makeup?" Dan asked.

"Yep" I said,  grabbing an apple and biting into it.

"Ooou Pay is wearing makeup now." Dan said.

"You know what I said about makeup Pay" Luke said, ruining the mood.

"I literally just needed something to cover up some of my bruises" I said.

"Oh yeah. You're right," Luke said, "but you look pretty with bruises on your face as
much as you do without it." he said again.

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