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Shit.  Every hair on my body stands up, and my natural instinct is to run.

Looking behind, there's a tree I can scramble up. But, before I get the chance, two black eyes look out at me that scream death.  I yell Issacs name while jumping up as quick as I can. This giant tawny wolf wastes no time and leaps toward me. When I say giant. I mean this thing must be as tall at me. Like a small horse. Right as I get my hands on a branch, this mutant wolf sinks his teeth into my calf and jerks me down to the ground. Screaming, I desperately try to hit back, and scramble away, salty tears falling down my face. The wolf uses its claws to swipe at my stomach and chest. It's vicious, brutal. And this is how I die. I've never thought about dying before. Really. I clench my eyes shut realizing there's no way I can survive this. 

The pain is excruciating, everything burns.  My heart is pumping.  I think I am still screaming but I am not sure.  I don't want to die.  Crap no I don't.  What will happen to Kate?  Surly this isn't it?  It's so brutal and final.  Shouldn't my life be flashing before my eyes.   It's getting harder to breathe.  I can taste blood flowing out of my mouth.  My vision is becoming blurry and I want the darkness to wash over me to stop this pain.   Right as I think the wolf is finally going to go for my throat, I hear a chilling to your core, blood curdling growl.  Crap, that sounds like a demon wolf.  I see this black blur tackle the wolf that's killing me.  There are yelps, growls and brutal sounds of a fight.  And a sickening snap which I am sure is one of the wolves snapping the others neck.

It's so cold, my eyes are getting heavy and I can't move.  The black blob comes up to me, and I think this is it.  God I hope there's no more pain.  I can't.  I just can't.  Please leave me alone. This can't be happening.

The blob turns into a ginormous wolf with the most shocking deep green eyes I have ever seen.  The colour of the forest.  Beautiful.  Deadly.   He whines, and licks my face.  Yup.  Death by wolf.  Never saw that coming.   I watch him look me over, licking my wounds.  God, am I going to watch him eat me?  With blood filling my mouth, I can feel bile rising up.  This can't get worse.

The wolf is actually drooling.  His spit is covering all my wounds.  It's disgusting.  I cough and taste more blood.  It can't be long now.  I literally can feel my pulse slowing down.  The wolf has licked all my wounds, covered, no, drenched me in saliva.  He gets right in my face.  This is going to hurt.   I brace myself for my death.  The wolf opens his mouth wide.  I can see Every. Single. Tooth.  There must be another word for fear, because we are well past that now.

I am looking death in the face.  And I am still scared.  I can't cry but I want to.  The wolf lowers his mouth so carefully, I think he's going to clamp down and crush my skull.  But.  No.  Something totally disgusting instead.  He drools.  Like its water, all into my mouth down my throat.  I gag.  It's breath smells like copper and rot.  He covers my mouth with his in the weirdest most awkward way.  I can feel its smooth wet tongue on my nose and mouth.  And feel it push his  breath into me.

It's like sunshine going down my throat. Warm. Comforting.  And then fire.  Red hot fire.  I scream out in pain.  What the hell is happening.  The wolf puts its body over mine holding me down.

God what's happening to me?  Whats it doing.  I am so scared.  The fire is burning through my veins.  All my wounds feel like knives are running over them again.  Like hot lava is being poured into them.  My blood is boiling.  I can't take it.  I can't take this.  Make it stop.

I see the wolf intently looking at me and whines.  I arch my back, and can hear myself let loose a blood chilling scream.  It hurts.  So much pain.  I can't see.  I can't think.  The pain is overwhelming.  Death can't come soon enough.  In the middle of this death defying chaos, I hear the most beautiful voice in my head.  It feels familiar.  Soothing.  Like a warm hug for my mind.

"Easy Roxy.  Don't fight it.  You need to embrace the pain.  Stop resisting.  You need to accept it."

God I want to listen to the voice.  But this pain is like nothing I have ever experienced.  I want to take a knife and open my veins and get this fire out of me.  This is more than torture.  This is hell. I need it to stop.  Make it stop.  Someone please make it stop.

The wolf licks my face and I hear that voice again.  I stare into the wolfs eyes, and god I must be going insane, but I swear the voice in my head is this wolf talking to me.

"Roxy.  You have to embrace it.  If you resist it much longer you will die.   Stop fighting it.  Let the fire run through you.  Think of your daughter.  You need to live to see her again.  Stop fighting Roxy.  You need to live.  Breathe for me.  I know you can do it. Please.  Do it for her.  Do it for me."

I don't know what I am doing.  But I need to live for Kate.  I can't leave her alone.  I can't.   I reach up to the wolfs neck, I feel like I am being cooked from the inside.  I bury my hands and face into its fur, as it buries its nose into my neck.   I scream and scream.  The tears won't stop.  The wolf is covering my whole body now, holding me down to the earth. I can hear its breath, and I feel it lick my neck and whimpering.   I am running out of energy.  I can't fight it anymore.  My body starts to go limp, and I embrace the pain.  Because maybe.  Just maybe it might kill me and stop the fire.  

Taking in a deep breath, I am breathing in the woody scent of the earth, the copper sickly smell of my blood, and the smell of the wolf which smells like sandalwood.  I lay my head back on the ground, while running my hands through the wolfs fur and close my eyes.  The fire is entering my chest.  It's getting hotter and hotter.  Right when I think my chest will explode, I feel every hair on my body.  Every single one raises up.  And burns as it, grows?  My legs and arms feel like they are being stretched out to their capacity and I hear a pop.  I scream as I feel all my joints burn in pain.  My head feels like it's going to explode.  My teeth feel like someone is yanking them out.  My squeeze my eyes shut.  I try to hug the wolf closer to me for any comfort.  Any at all.  But my fingers won't grab onto anything.  I feel myself panting, it's so hot.  God, it's so hot.  I can't breathe.  And finally.  Finally, the sweet surrender of darkness sweeps over me and everything goes black.

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