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Not to sound like a whiney teenager.  But I can't seem to catch a break.  Actually, I am having de ja vue.  Like these damn rouges just wait until the most inappropriate moment between Issac and I, and they burst into the room to destroy any future moment.


Standing a the back wall of the library, Issac has placed himself between the rouges and I.  I can feel the pins and needles of his power washing over me.  The three men in front of me look homeless.  Barefoot.  Torn dirty jeans.  Their shirts have large holes in them, and they look dirty and unkempt.  I should be afraid.  One of these did try to kill me before.  But, looking at them I can stop my heart breaking at their circumstances. Someone once loved them.  And from what I know of wolf culture, rouges are illegal.  Every wolf has to belong to a pack.  To be a rogue is by choice, and breaking the law.   I wonder what put them in that position to make that choice.

I can smell blood in the air, and hear snarls and fighting.  There must be more in the event room. Issac lunges at the three men.  You know that fight or flight self preservation thing we all have.  Nope.  My body in this moment chooses to freeze.  There is nothing self preserving about that, but I can't help but watch.  The fight is hard to watch.  Three against Issac.  But he holds his own well.  They have circled him, but this is one of the strongest Alphas in Europe.  The man is holding his own, and its totally the wrong moment to have this thought, but damn he looks hot.

Power and strength have never been my thing.  But, he makes it look so fine.  Head out of the gutter Roxy!  This is a dangerous situation, and picturing that wolf naked will do you no favors right now.   My attention bought back into the room, I realize Issac is yelling at me.

"Roxy, please! I need you back in the room. 

*punch kick roll* 

I need you calm, and I need you to help 

*He takes a hit to the nose*  

the others.  You can do this.  I know you. 

*He grabs one of the men by the throat and throws him across the room crashing into a book case* 

I know your strength.  Come back to me Roxy and do what I know you can do."

Roxy we can do this.  Snap out of it.  Issac is fine here, but we need to go to the big room and stop the fighting.  People will get hurt if we don't.  

Issac and my wolf are right.  I shake my head snapping out of my daze.  I dash across the room, narrowly missing one of the men lunging at me to tackle me to the ground.  The tension in the air, and anger is suffocating.  I can taste everyones fear and fury and its bitter.  Running across the entrance hall I am greeted with a violent disaster.  I cannot tell who is who, who the rogues are, who the party members are.  Everyone is at each others throats fighting to the death.  Tables are broken.  Dresses are torn.  Everyone has some kind of bloody injury, and its not pretty.  Issacs right.  I need to help.   I have never done it to this scale before but I have to try.

Just as I am about to take in a deep calming breath to start, I get tackled from behind.

"Uh uh uh little peacekeeper.  Now I can't let you go spoiling the fun can I?"

WTF?  I wriggle my body around under this mans grip, and I am greeted with glowing eyes.  His glowing eyes.


"At your service milady"

"Fuck you.  What the hell Marcus?  We need to stop this!"

"Not my call princess.  Im following orders, and its glorious isn't it?"

My wolf is furious.  She's clawing at my mind, ready to take his throat.  How dare he condone this?  These are peoples lives he is playing with.  

My wolf remembers before I do that we can link to Issac.

Issac.  I can't help anyone.  The wolf with the glowing eyes is stopping me.  Someone ordered this attack and he is following orders.  I am in the entrance hall.  Help!

I hear him roar from the other room.  The sound makes me cower back.  Christ that's scary. And I know it's Issac.  I can taste his fury.  He comes bounding into the room in his wolf form.  I may be frightened to my core, but you cannot help but take in how glorious his wolf is.  Huge, standing at 5"5 tall, built like a bull, and the power radiating off him should be suffocating.  He slides to a halt when he sees me and snarled in a wicked way showing all of his teeth.  He pulls back his lips, looking like he has smelled something disgusting.

Vampire.  My little fox.  Do. Not. Move.

Vampire?  Wtf?  Omg.  He's looking at Marcus.  Marcus is a vampire.  I am being pinned down by a vampire.  I danced with one.  This attack is linked to them.  My heart almost jumps out of my throat.  The world just got a hell of a lot scarier, and I don't know what to do.

Noticing how ridged and still my body has gone, Marcus looks down at me and grins. "I reckon this wolf here has just informed you of what I am."   Keeping his eyes locked with Issac, he leans down taking a sniff of my neck. Fuuuuuuck.

"Don't worry princess.  I do bite, but you will love it."

No no no.  Oh hell to the fuck no.  Life just got super scary and I want no part of this.  I feel my wolf put her paws on my mind, helping me find an inner calm.  I let her out a little, to help me calm.  

"My my my, what beautiful eyes you have little wolf.  I do not think so.  Don't try anything stupid."

I watch his fangs elongate, and I scream inside.  I don't want to be bitten.  I don't want to be a part of this.  Issac growls low, and lunges for us.  Marcus is quick to respond, catching Issac, and guiding his lunge into being thrown across the room.  I scramble up and back away.   

"Oh no you don't princess.  Don't even think about running."

Issac lunges for him again and they engage in a violent deadly battle.  I am worried for Issac, but I am no match for a vampire.   I see the bathroom doors behind me, and dash into them locking the door behind.  Not seeing the fighting helps me calm down.  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting my wolf and I work together.  I need to calm down this adrenaline.  

Rubbing my temples, I breath in deep again, and picture every body outside and within the building.   My wolf pushes our senses, and I reach outside, and see even more.  It's weird.  I can almost see everyone.   This is weird.  Its like I am looking through an infrared camera and can sense all movement.  I can't picture sending out ribbons to everyone.  Its too many.  My wolf pushes my mind down lower, taking more control.  I see her wolfish smile, and feel peaceful.  She's awesome.  I watch as she sends out a wave, like a tsunami wave out of us, exploding out in every direction.  I can almost see the wave, the air tinged with a faint sky blue.  The air smells clean, and I can taste peace in the air.  I can see bodies laying down.  My skin is on fire as I am doing this, like someone has pushed me into a beehive.  The stings all over my body is almost intolerable.   I can see that my wolf is letting me feel everything while she concentrates on pushing out this calm.  I see what she's doing.  I clench my jaw and take it.  I can't let this fighting carry on.  I resist the urge to hit my skin swatting away the imaginary bees.  I concentrate on my wolf, on her power, on her calm.  The fire increases, my head feels heavy.   I can't pass out now.  No, I don't know if I have helped yet.  I try keep my eyes open, but my body slumps against the sink, my knees buckling under me.

The door is busted open, and instead of Issac looking at me like I was hoping, those damn glowing eyes glare at me.   Snarling at me, he scoops me up, and starts running out of the building.

"Now that was rude little princess.  You ruined all the fun."

I try to struggle out of his arms, but I feel so weak.  Like the life-force has been drained from me.  

"Close your eyes princess.  We have a long way to go, and you just drained yourself pulling that little stunt back there."

I struggle again, I try hitting him.   He gives me an irritated huff, and pinches a nerve on my neck.

Before darkness takes over me I hear him whisper.

"Sleep now princess.  I will need you rested for when we get home."

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now