Chapter 35 † Kayleigh

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Graff gruffly leads me away as a swarm of assistants begin to pelt the Strategos with information and updates. The soft chatter fades and is replaced with the clicking of our uniform heels.

"You can still contact your team?" Graff suddenly whispers.

"Yes, of course."

"Tell them to get on the next tug here. Discreetly."

"Already done," I chirp, flicking the screen back into my wrist braces. A hand on my shoulder pushes me back against the mildly pointy rock wall. I glare at Graff.

"Anything else, Colonel?"

"What are you planning?"

"Bold of you to assume I'll tell you."

"Do I look like I'm a complete moron to you, Admiral? I know you've been up to something with Ender and his friends. And his siblings. Did you think I didn't know they were Locke and Demosthenes? What. Are. You. Planning?" I grab Graff's wrist and drop it away from my shoulder, proceeding to lightly brush some imaginary dust off of my uniform where his hand was. I slide my hands into a resting position behind my back.

"I wondered if you would get suspicious. Does anyone else know?"

"Of course not. The other adults are too consumed with their own egos to pay attention to the students free time activities."

"Glad to see the years of training these children has wised someone up. If you must know, Ender and I came to the conclusion that we must take a completely different strategic route to end the war."

"How different."

"Make peace with them." Graff walks away from me with his face in his hands. He massages his temples and turns to face me from the other wall.

"You're joking." I shrug.

"Nothing else had worked." Graff leans back against the wall and starts chuckling.

"Leave it to the kids to completely upend your plans."


I see my suit comm link light up on my arm screen. It's a message from Kayleigh.

Good news losers, we're in business. Hop on the next tug to destination party time.

So soon? I would have thought it would take her longer to sneak us in quietly.

How the quick turn around? I thought your witchcraft took time.

Haha. We've got a friend. He's gonna cover our asses. The Strategos is big mad.

I can imagine. Report on the meeting?

Strategos: "blah blah stupid kids blah blah I don't trust you blah blah."
Me: "I don't trust you either."
Strategos: "Don't like that. That's sketch." (ง •̀_•́)ง

Got it. We'll see you soon.

You better.

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