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Leora was tired. She had felt as if all she had been doing was attending meeting after meeting and quite frankly, she was sick of it. She had earned respect for Adam who seemed not only to deal with it, but enjoy it too. She had no idea how his head wasn't swimming with all the things he had to get done, she had only attended a few and was ready to take a long nap.

They had just held a conference meeting with Damien about the situation in his pack. The plan to expand Willsden Brook was taken quite well, though it was probably because Damien was smug that they wouldn't be able to deliver.

The pig-headed Alpha was absolutely frustrating, Leora had wanted to punch his lights out on more than one occasion. That was only in the space of a three hour meeting. Leora couldn't possibly imagine dealing with him as an Alpha every single day for her entire life. Luckily for her, she had Adam by her side to both calm her down and deal with Damien's covert xenophobic bullshit.

Once all the cards were laid down, a budget was set and things were set in motion. Of course Leora knew that nothing would be instantaneous, especially with such a large scale project but she was still rather surprised with how fast Adam was able to deal with the situation.

Adam had given both Damien and Vincent his personal assurance that things would be managed with a close delicacy. He had already made plans for future visits to each pack and the small town that his mate had originally come from. He also arranged for future conference calls to monitor the progress of the situation until it was rectified.

It was with these assurances that the guests decided to part ways. Vincent was eager to get back to his pack, especially now that he had found his mate. Spiraea didn't seem to be as excited, but there was definitely an air of relief around her to know that she wouldn't have to go back to Damien's territory. She had even managed to convince Vincent to allow Marianne to come too, much to Damien's displeasure. He seemed to be rather antsy about the whole affair, probably because he knew that sooner or later he would have to deal with Vincent regarding the mistreatment Spiraea had faced whilst in his pack.

And so, nearly a week after their arrival, both Alpha Vincent and Alpha Damien left with their respective companies back to their own lands.

Leora couldn't help but feel like a small weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Whilst she wasn't afraid or uncomfortable by having the other Alphas around, she had felt as if she had to maintain a clinical, business approach around them. Now that they had left, it was as if she could unwind a little bit.

Now that they were gone, she had time to do whatever she wanted- no more boring meetings to attend. She wanted to spend time with Adam, just the two of them, but he needed to catch up with Beta Sam who had been taking care of the pack's general affairs whilst Vincent and Damien visited. Instead, Leora decided to visit Crystal, whom she hadn't spent time with in a while and decided to see if she wanted to take a walk with her.

She heard footsteps approaching where she was seated on Adams' lap, in his office. Beta Sam's voice greeted them both pleasantly as he bowed: "Alpha, Luna."

Leora took that as her cue to leave. She pressed a long, lingering kiss against Adams lips, caressing his clean shaven face. He groaned, attempting to deepen the contact but his mate pulled away. She gave him a cheeky smile over her shoulder before grabbing her cane and heading to the door, leaving him to catch up on his pack duties and deal with his hard-on.


Crystal and Leora had ended up doing yoga in one of the many green spaces the pack had. It was a new, refreshing experience for both women and something that they both needed. Leora and Crystal tried to embrace the peace as they stretched their limbs, though it didn't take a rocket scientist to tell Crystal had something on her mind.

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