find me - Seeley Booth x Reader

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I woke up in a car to the radio playing. 'Whats going on?' I thought in my head. I felt like my head was underground. The radio was beginning to annoy me so I quickly turned it off. As I did so I accidentally opened the window and dirt began falling in. 'Oh no.' I thought. 'No! The grave digger took me!' I looked around and saw Dr. Jack Hodgins in the back seat. 'Correction I guess he took us.' I thought dully as I continued to look at my friend. He worked with me at the Jeffersonian and was a friend to me. 

I am a Forensic anthropologist, anthropologist, and kinesiologist, I'm one of the best. He is a forensic entomologist/entomologist, as well as a forensic botanist/botanist, mineralogist/forensic mineralogist, a palynology/forensic palynologist, and a forensic chemist.

"Hodgins!" I exclaimed getting into the back seat with him. I quickly shook him awake. 

"Where are we?" he asked quietly as his eyes just barely opened. 

"We're underground... the grave digger took us." I said as I placed my hand on his leg. I felt me hand touch a liquid I looked down and saw blood. "Hodgins your leg! What-" I cut myself off. "The grave digger ran you down with his car. Just like in our case."

He groaned. "How much time do we have?" he asked worried. I looked at my watch "ten hours" I said dully. I told Hodgins everything we had with us, including a three thousand dollar perfume he bought for Angelia, my best friend who I know for a fact he has feelings for. 

He began to Groan in pain, slowly it got worse. I quickly grabbed some ibuprofen the grave digger had given us. I began to think about any complications and why he would be in so much pain besides the fact he was just hit by a car. 

Thats when I realized he might have Compartment syndrome it is a painful condition that occurs when pressure within the muscles builds to dangerous levels. This pressure can decrease blood flow, which prevents nourishment and oxygen from reaching nerve and muscle cells.

"Hodgins..." I said looking at him wearily. 

"Oh no, whats that look for?" He asked me worriedly.

"I think you might have Compartment syndrome, it will become extremely painful." I said giving him a sympathetic look. 

"More painful than this?" he asked exasperated. I nodded and he let out an exasperated sigh. "Like how painful?" he questioned.

"Painful like go into shock and die painful." He looked at me anxiously. "To release the pressure I have to make a long incision above the injury. He nodded thinking it over. 

"Okay... Okay lets do it." After a moment he has situated himself. I handed him my belt. 

"This will be easier if I do it without remorse and quickly." he nodded as he slipped a note into his pocket. 

"Okay I'm ready." he said

"Is that a note for Ang?" I asked nodding my head towards the pocket. 

he nodded again. "yeah you know incase we dot make it out of herein time." I nodded and he put the belt in his mouth.

I was about to make the cut but before I could do anything he spit the belt out and stopped me. 

"I have to say something. I am over the moon, crazy stupid in love with Angelia." he paused and a tear slipped down his face "a man buys you a three thousand dollar perfume that says... that says I love you... there I said it." and with that he put the belt back into his mouth. 

"This will be painful so you should grab onto something, and don't fight passing out." he nodded and then I began to make the incision. He began to scream but I continued to do it. 

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