Highschool - Zach Addy

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I'm honestly sorry with how much there is before Zach comes in I got caught up in it and then... yeah and if it doesn't make sense roll with it dudes. Because I spent time researching and trying to logic so just yeah. And I'm this Zach didn't help the murder and he didn't go to a phsych ward

I stare down at the photo of me and my old best friend Zach Addy. We had gone to Michigan High a very prestigious private school in the state of Michigan. It was where we had met and became quick friends. He was often unsure of himself in certain things despite how brilliant he was.

He was awkward and charming all at the same time. Blunt yet gentle and that's is what I found so endearing about the man. But sadly I have no idea where he is now. I was taken away to a college in Texas and I never saw him again.

Why hadn't I just given him my address, a phone number? Anything at all to stay in contact? And those thoughts plagued me almost every day. But for now I pushed them aside as I moved into my new him in LA California where I had recently been hired at the Jeffersonian Institute.

I'm sure Zach would have been proud of me. He always spoke highly of this place and I knew that at least some part of him would have been proud. Right? Or is that just wishful thinking?

I would be working forensic but not in the main lab where world renown doctor Dr. Temprance Brennan worked. No sadly I would be working in a different lab. But th fact I was doing the same thing as her mad me proud.

I grabbed my ID key card and began my journey to the Jeffersonian Institute. Once I got there I stared in awe.

"Wow." I whispered.

"I know right?" I heard a woman speak beside me I jumped slightly turning to see a kind looking woman with brown hair and shin inn eyes. "Are you new around here?" She asked I nodded and she held out her hand. "Well I'm Angela, Angela Montenegro." I smiled at her.

"I'm Y/f/n y/l/n." I said shaking her hand.

"Well y/n, it was a pleasure meeting you. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask." She spoke as she wrote something on a piece of paper. When she handed it to me I saw it was her number.

I smiled at her. "Thank you and actually I was wondering if you could help me fond where I can get my uniform and where to check in also how to get to my floor..." I paused looking down. "I'm sorry I get lost really easy."

She smiled again laughing slightly. "Don't worry about it it's a big place so I'd be happy to!"

Angela showed me everything I would need even her own floor which I wouldn't dare enter unless I needed to not wanting to risk wondering into Dr. Brennan. I got to my work area and she left with a kind smile and wave. When I stepped in instantly people came up to me.

"Hi you must be the new person! Well duh your an unfamiliar face and you have a badge and we where expecting someone new today!" A very chipper woman spoke. I couldn't help but chuckle I had a feeling most would be annoyed but I found it endearing. It reminded me of Zach almost. "Oh silly me! Forgot to introduce myself, he nice to meat you I'm Abby, Abby Skipper but please just Abby is fine." She said shaking my hand enthusiastically.

"I'm Nigel Clearwater." A man spoke next to her he had tan skin and black hair. "A pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Alex Wessex and I'll be your new Boss." Another man spoke I looked over to see another tall man with dark tan skin dark hair and dazzling blue eyes.

"I'm y/f/n, y/f/n y/l/n." I said politely. "I don't mean to sound rude but is this everyone, I just don't want to not introduce myself to someone."

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