Chapter Twenty Three - Part Two

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Chapter Twenty Three: The Oneron Way - Part Two 

"Any trouble getting here?" Liana asked as they entered.

The room contained two curved sofas around a simple metal table, with some desks and shelves along the grey walls. There was a stark, basic feel to the room. No decorations or luxuries. Two windows let the bright, warm light in, revealing specks of dust motes in the stuffy air. Looking over the cracks and holes in the walls, James thought about taking a vat of caulk and filling in the gaps. It was an old habit of his, he realised, left over from his time as a construction worker.

A blocky mech plodded over to them from the far corner, beeping inquisitively. It looked like a chest of drawers with stumpy legs.

"Actually, we did get a visit from a Haarkbaah Dragon," Sam said.

Liana paused as she entered a command into the mechs keypad. "A what?" The mech powered down with a low whine.

Sam shrugged and sat down on a sofa. "Good question. It came from off-world, saying it was sent to stop us going any further. It called James by name."

Liana finished opening a window and then took a metal chair, placing it beside Sam. James sat on the second sofa with Evan, who adjusted his large sword and sceptre as he sat. The curved sofa formation allowed them all to face each other.

"Named James," Liana said, frowning. "That'st not good. Well, I'm glad you made it past the dragon."

"That's a story for another time," Sam said.

Liana raised her eyebrows. She cast a cursive look over them. Once again the depth in her eyes took James by surprise as they fell on him. "You fellas look like you've been through hell."

The door opened and the first soldier she had sent away entered. James tried to remember names, but had forgotten this one. The man lowered a tray with four tall glasses onto the table.

"Thank you, Andeo," Liana said, smiling at the man. "That's all for now. See if my father needs anything, would you?"

"Of course," Andeo said. He nodded curtly and left the room, closing the door.

Liana gestured towards the drinks that contained a yellow liquid. "Help yourselves, please."

"Sagka," Sam said, licking his lips and taking a glass. He raised it to James. "Yalosa-gka. A nutrient drink, very filling. Very potent. One glass is like having a full meal, without the bloating after."

"That sounds good to me," James said, picking up a glass. The creamy liquid looked thick, and he was glad to see it was cold. He drank some, tasting vanilla and some fruits, and felt refreshed almost immediately. It was like a punch of clarity had hit him, clearing his mind. "Wow, that's some drink."

Evan hesitated before taking a tentative sip. James braced himself for a disgusted reaction. Evan paused thoughtfully, and then drank some more. "Impressive," he said, studying the drink.

"Look at that," Sam said, leaning back. "The first thing that our Voarn friend has liked on this planet, and it's a good old fashioned Oneron concoction." He sipped his own drink some more. "Ahh. I've missed this."

Liana leaned back on her chair and folded a leg under her. The fourth glass remained on the tray.

"How's Hank doing?" she asked Sam.

"He's good," Sam said. "But I haven't spoken to him for some time. You know how hard he can be to get a hold of."

"Not as hard as his nephew is," Liana said. "How long have you been in Tyken Town, and you didn't tell us?"

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