Chapter Thirty One - Part Two

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Chapter Thirty One: Reunion - Part Two

"Part of his derangement," Den said. "Or his own confusion. Why he would think such a thing, we can't know. Therefore we cannot really trust anything he said to you."

James's argument with Sam in the Grillock Caves came back to him in flashes. James had been given a life that hadn't allowed him to make meaningful relationships. Heat rushed through him. He could only stare at the ground. "So this Dark Sorcerer knows where I am now? He'll be coming for me?"

The hard lines of Den's chiselled face were highlighted in the bright light, making him look like a statue. "We don't know how much he saw. He may still not know your exact location, but has a point in the galaxy to explore now. Which means, sometime soon, it would be a good idea for you to leave Carnan."

"Why is he after me?"

"The warlord, Doon," Den began, "is a formidable adversary. Somehow, he has struck a deal with the Dark Sorcerer, and they are both looking for you. They mean to finish off what they started. All we know is that while Hayden is missing, likely hidden within the hidden armies being formed, Doon and the Dark Sorcerer still want you dead. And it is our task to make sure that doesn't happen."

Once again, James felt like he was being told a lot while not being told anything at all. None of this was any kind of proper answer for him. "But what's so special about me? They really can't stand me being alive?"

"We can't say, but you are a very talented soldier who had been making a name for himself, rising up the ranks. Not to mention the son of a famous war hero. To take you down would be a crippling blow to both Hayden and our Oneron forces. If they had more plans for you, we couldn't say what they were."

James thought on that and frowned. "So I'm in danger because I'm so great?"

A corner of Den's mouth rose. "To put it that way, yes."

"But I'm not that man anymore," James said. "I mean, it didn't end so well when I tried to use magic."

Den perked up, looking disturbed. The motion surprised James.

"What do you mean?" Den asked.

"I..." James suddenly felt self-conscious. Den was watching him a little too hard. "I burned my hand when conjuring fire magic. It was okay though. It hurt like hell, but Evan healed me quickly." He left out the part where Evan seemed to suffer a great shock when he'd healed James's hand.

"I'm doing okay with my sword training," James added, trying to sound hopeful. "I think."

Den smiled, creasing his stone features and making him look human again. "I don't doubt that. It's as Sam and I have said, you just need to believe in yourself more."

"Think less, act more," James said sullenly. "Right." He paused, and then met Den's eyes. "I have a Sacre Trigger Switch in my palm. Do you know anything about that?"

Den's face registered an obvious surprise. "I don't. What did Sam think of it?"

"He said there were no records of me ever working with Sacre. But, if I was working for them and no one knew about it, I don't know how there'd be any data to find."

Den nodded thoughtfully. "I see. This doesn't change anything, however, James. Everything we've said remains true."

"I'll look into it," said a voice.

James turned and saw Liana leaning against the doorway. Her figure framed against the light was a welcomed sight, and his heart raced at seeing her. She pushed off the frame and stepped closer.

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