chapter 12

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"Steve?" I look at him shocked. "Y/n? Oh my god! Y/n! Everyone thought you were dead!" He says hugging me. I honestly should be pissed at him for leaving me that day I was kidnapped. But I had to figure out how to do this quick. "I-i. Steve I need help! I was kidnapped. But but don't call the police! They'll kill you and me!" I say acting but at the same time not really. I had to figure out how to tell him we needed to call the cops. He nods letting me inside.

What do I do? Fuck. I know! Holy shit. I have one chance to do this. Back when I worked in the bar with Steve we would always sign things because the music was too loud and we would be at to different sections of the bar. Me being the right wing him being left. I need to let him know that this is real and that he's going to die anyway if we don't call the police soon. "Don't forget the plan y/n." A voice says in my ear. Shit.

We walk into the kitchen. "What should we do then y/n? Are they like coming over here?" He says frantically I shake my head. "No or well I'm not sure. They're probably looking for me, but calling the cops would get attention and they'll find me." I say smoothly. As soon as I say that I lift my hand up above my head making sure it's out of view of the camera. He looks at my hands and I drop them down to my lap. It was our signal to put our hands all the way up to tell the other that we are going to sign something.

I look at him and sign "They are outside. Call the police. Don't react to this or they will know. They have a camera on me make your signs low so they don't see. Say you are going to the bathroom and call. Quickly." He makes an okay sign below his waist. "Shit y/n. We'll you can stay here for as long as you need. I'm need to use the restroom. So I'll be back. If you want something to eat go head and grab something im sure you are starving." He says walking to the bathroom.

"Get food y/n. Make it seem like you really need it." Finneas says. "Healthy food y/n. No candy, no soda, no junk food." I could hear Billie say. I roll my eyes and go to the fidge and find some grapes. I eat some actually hungry because I haven't eaten anything. Steve comes back to the kitchen sitting across from me. "Are you okay y/n? You seem pretty beat? What did they do to you?" He asks looking concerned. "A lot of things, but I'm here now and they won't find me." I say quietly. "Coming." Finneas says.

My eyes widen. I look at steve and sign, "They are coming." A window is broken from the other room and we look at each other. "Oh shit! Come on! Lets hide!" He says dragging me up stairs. "Hide with him y/n. When we are done we will come get you and kill him." Finneas says. We go into a room and hide in the closet. Well this is going to be fun. Being in the closet is never fun.

We hear noises from down stairs. Honestly it still scares me. I just hope the cops get here in time. Suddenly the closet door opens. "Well well well. What do we have hear?" I look up to see Billie looking smirking. She drags me out and a man grabs Steve. "You thought you could escape? Silly girl. You can't!!" She screams at me dragging me down the stairs along with Steve who's struggling. They take us down and tie steve up. "Good job babygirl." Billie says kissing me. I look at Steve worried and looks at me scared.

Suddenly the door is broken down, "LAPD! Put your hands where we can see them!" Everyone drops their guns and raises their hands. "How?" I hear one of the gang members whisper. They start cuffing people up. They get to where Billie and I are and cuff her up. "Are you okay? Your friend told us you told him to call. It's a good thing you did sweetheart." He says. Billie whips her head to look at me. "It was you! You fucking snitch!!" She yells at me trying to lung at me, but the cop pulls her back. The gang now realizes it was me who ratted them out.

They are dragged away to multiple cop cars. Billie struggling the most. "You'll fucking see y/n! I'll be back! Just you fucking wait. You won't ever see light again! You hear me!" She screams out getting pushed into the back of a police car. I cry and the cop comforts me and Steve hugs me. "Let's get you to the hospital and checked out. After we want you to tell us everything that happened." The cop tells me and I nod.

I was sent to the hospital with Steve and the cops. I told them everything breaking down every few minutes. I told them I thought I loved her and everything she did to me. The doctors told me I was good physically, but I defiantly needed therapy and medication to help me heal. I nodded. The next day I found out that almost all the gang members where sentenced to 50 years to life in prison. I couldn't be more happy than I am hearing that. I can be at peace finally.

2 years later~

"Oh shut up Steve! I'll be fine! I've been on 5 dates with her. Shes such a good person! I really like her!" I say into the phone as I play with my hair. "Ooh come one! Don't be mad at Sammy just because she's your cousin. She wouldn't hurt me and I won't hurt her. So why don't you go to your mans?" I say laughing. Its been 2 years since the whole incident and I'm doing to much better. Therapy had defiantly helped with all my troubles mentally.

Through out my recovery I met Sam at Steves house. I didn't have a place so he let me stay with him until I could get back up on my own. Sam had come over to see Steve as cousins do and we hit it off. However, I rejected her because I wasn't ready for anything yet. I finally decided to start giving it a go and it's been a great two months of talking so far. That I think I want to ask her if we could try a relationship. That's why today I invited her over to talk and hang out!

The door bell rings and I squeal excited. "Oh! That's Sam! I'll call you later to tell you how it goes! Tell Kevin I said hi! Bye! I love you!" I say hanging up. I skip to my door excited and open it quickly, "Hey Sa-" I stop looking up to the person in fear. "Hi Princess. I told you, you wouldn't get away. You're mine." She says sinisterly. "Billie" and all I see is black. I would never escape her. I will forever be unwillingly hers.

Unwillingly Hers////Billie Eilish Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora