01 | isn't she beautiful?

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Louis V her casket

NOBODY REALLY KNEW anything about Diana Walker. They knew that she was rich and beautiful, but they knew nothing about who she was.

Not her mother, not her father, and certainly not her boyfriend.

When people asked him what it was like dating the richest girl in town, Aiden Miller simply shrugged and grinned, "A hella good lay." He didn't know the first thing about his girlfriend. All he saw was a body for him to use and money for him to spend.

The term "boyfriend" was silly to Diana. Aiden Miller was hardly a friend. Sure, she occasionally enjoyed his company, but with the way he talked and the way he acted, it soon became clear to Diana that was exactly what Aiden was — just a boy.

But not exactly an innocent one.

Diana knew he was cheating on her. She had seen him multiple times and maybe he even knew that she knew, but the two had never talked about it.

When she first found out, Diana nearly laughed. She was falling right into the fate of her mother.

She was the one to discover her father cheating, and it was then that the first crack in her soul appeared and just never seemed to heal. It was then that she began to hear constant screaming coming from her parents' bedroom, day and night, until eventually, the screams found their way permanently into her mind.

And now, here she was, in the exact same predicament as her mother.

Diana also knew who Aiden was cheating on her with: Madison Knightley, head cheerleader.

Madison absolutely adored Diana. She followed her like a lost puppy and to an outsider, it would almost seem like they were the best of friends.

But friendship was the last thing on Madison's mind. Madison wanted to be Diana. She wanted the looks, the money, the grace, and the power. So when she got her sticky hands on the boyfriend, Madison felt like a queen.

And to Diana, it was a joke because she didn't bother herself to have any friends. As the years passed, she realized friendship only meant as much as the money she had. She didn't need anybody except for herself. Everybody else just wanted something from her.

When Diana went out with Madison and the other cheerleader girls, they pranced around her like she was their savior. They linked their arms in hers, telling her pretty compliments and giving her barbie doll smiles. All so they could get their greedy hands on her credit card.

Diana wasn't stupid; she knew they were using her. When Madison looked at her with fake puppy eyes and swiped Diana's card with fake guilt, Diana saw right through it all.

And yet she let it happen, because she also knew Madison had issues at home and struggled financially.

Diana knew all these things but she stayed silent, knowing everything would eventually play out.

No one knew anything about Diana Walker, but she sure seemed to know everything about everyone.

2 A.M. Silence | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon