Chapter Three: Becoming Human

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Your POV

When Carlisle said I needed to hunt, I didn't think he meant literally hunt. So when he took me into the forest afterwards, let's just say I was a little surprised.

But that was two weeks ago, and a lot has changed since then.

Even though I'm still a newborn, Carlisle says I've improved so much that I can pass a human.

But it hasn't been easy.

Carlisle had called Charlie the day I woke up, telling him that he had found me in the woods and took me back to his house to fix my wounds. Charlie obviously wanted to come see me but after endless convincing from the best doctor in town, he finally agreed to just wait until Carlisle brought me home.

Which made training me to be human a whole lot easier.

Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Esme were the ones to train me.

Edward taught me how to control myself around human blood. He made me sit in front of blood bags for hours, not ever letting me touch a single one. It was a traumatizing experience. Even when just the thought crossed my mind, he would yell at me. So by now even though it was painful to be around, it didn't feel like someone was shoving a hot branding iron down my throat.

Emmett taught me how to control my speed and strength. That was probably the hardest part, in my opinion. Once you go as fast as a vampire can go, you never want to slow down. And I may have accidentally ripped off a door or two while practicing on the strength part.. Now though I was able to control it to where I walked and picked things up like a normal teenage girl would.

Jasper taught me how to control my urges to hunt. He told me every time I had the urge, just to think about anything else. That was the hard part. Especially for me being a newborn. The second part of his plan was to get me on a feeding schedule. I would only hunt early in the mornings and in the night so that way I wouldn't have craving during the day. I was already used to the food schedule by now.

Esme mostly just taught me what to do for my appearance. She gave me contacts to put in since my eyes were still a faded red color. The contacts matched my previous golden eyes, which I were told would come back naturally in about a month. She also told me how to blink and fake breaths when I needed to. I looked enough like a human by now.

Training was rough, and mentally exhausting. But that was nothing compared to what I was about to go through.

Today is Sunday. The day before our first day of school.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Carlisle's car. He's taking me back home to Charlie. The first human I've come in contact with since I was changed.

Carlisle has been giving me a pep talk the entire ride over.

I've gotten so close to the entire family throughout these past weeks. It was honestly kind of sad to leave.

As we pulled up into the driveway I finally caught a whiff of Charlie. But thanks to Edward, no desire to kill him.

Great. Good start.

As we both get out of the car Carlisle turns to me sending me one last look of reassurance.

"Oh, by the way (Y/n). One of the boys will be by your house in the morning to pick you up for school."

"Carlisle that isn't necessary. I can drive myself."

"That's not what we're worried about. There are way more humans at that school than you could even think of being exposed to right now. I want one of them with you at all times. Just for extra precautions."

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