Chapter 20: Second Thoughts ✔

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Linda Pov

Once we all went back home. My parents also came. Because my mom was eager to know when we will finally tie the knot. Our marriage date. We decided to be wedded a month from now. Which will also be close to our 4 months anniversary. My future sister in laws, Jennifer and Sarah were beyond excited because they will get to buy me gifts for the wedding.

"Aren't you excited?" My mom asks me. when I walked her out the porch as they were about to head home.

I faked, smiled.

"Oh Yeah."

Of course! My mom knew something was bothering me.

I'm kinda nervous about it. Because I'm a twenty-two-years old that barely has her life together.

What if we fall out of love?! Or he falls out of love with me. It can happen. In the beginning, our marriage was not about love. I know Andrew says that he loves me all the time. But--

"What wrong, sweetie?" My mom asked with concerns.

"N-Nothing, I'm fine." I smiled.

I should really stop watching romance movies. I'm a hopeless and romantic now.

I glanced at my husband who was in the hallway of the house speaking with my father. Andrew's dad also joined their conversation.

Andrew catches me starting and I turned my head to gazed my mom.

"Don't you worry. You're going to be a great wife." she hugs me. My mom did see me gazing at my husband.

She knew my worries were about him.

"See you later, my princess." my dad came after they finish talking. Andrew parents stayed inside the house.

I said my goodbyes to my parents. Then Andrew stood behind him me. He slides his right hand on my waist.

"Take care of her, you hear!" my father advice Andrew while getting in his car.

My dad always says this to Andrew.

"Will do, Mr. Smith," Andrew replies. I don't think my father heard.

Then I saw my dad raise a thumbs up from his car seat. Well, I guess he heard him after all.

"Call us, when you can!" My mom said as she stood on the right side of the car.

"I will, mom." I waved my parents goodbye and watched them zoom off the s

Andrew and I went back inside. The house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I looked at the clock it's midnight already. Everyone probably asleep right about now. I raced up to our room while Andrew made sure that all the doors were locked. Taking the opportunity to change into my nightclothes before he joins me. Dressed in a silver silk short nightgown with my underwear and a strapless bra underneath. I never really felt comfortable just wearing my nightgown without putting on panties and bra to go with it.

I did try it on once when Andrew and I were sharing separate rooms. But I've felt too exposed. All my business being out. I didn't like that.

"The doors are closed." he comes in. I peeked in the corner of my eye. And he starts to undress already. Literally threw everything on the floor. Kept his boxers on.

I held out an one moment hand signal cause I was now in the middle of prayer.

That's one of my pet peeves when someone interrupts me. When I'm speaking to heavenly father. No matter how busy our lives are. It wouldn't hurt to take a minute or two to just interact with God.

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