Chapter 35: Uncertainty ✔️

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Linda Pov

There now he knows everything. The very words I managed to hide from him and my loved ones. Deep down, I was afraid that if I did confess my secrets, no one would believe me. Yet, somehow I felt as if Andrew did. He believed me. All these years, I felt ashamed to speak about my past. Because it made feel dirty and worthless.

I'm still amazed at how effortless it was for me to tell Andrew.

He cupped my face hinted that at look at him. When I did he said something I've thought would leave his lips.

"I want you to be in charge, tonight "

Oh, boy.

Did he just say? What I made him think that I could? I've never been in charge of anything at all.

I bit my lip searched for words to say.

But nothing came out. I was mute.

Before I could find ways to disagree at his suggestion.

My eyes lowered down admiring his magnificent frame.

Maybe, I can do this.

My hands travel to his stomach and up to his chest feeling the thin fabric that separated our skins from burning with passion.

We shed each other clothes off and finally when we were both bare. Awkwardly, I positioned myself in his, member?

What else do you call it? his anatomy, an third leg, or better yet manhood.

Of course, there's several other names than what's popping on my head.

Stop it, Linda!

This is not the time to look for alertnative names for your husband's most essential possession.

This more difficult than riding a bike. When I was younger, I was eager to learn how to ride the bike never really got the hang of it until the age 11.

I wasn't really uncoordinated back then.

Still kinda is, but...You are getting off topic, Linda.

I shook my thoughts and focus on how I was supposed to please my husband.

Although I've done this more than once, Sometimes I feel as if I'm still a novice at this.

I convinced myself to just go with the flow. Clearly, if I'm performing this wrong at some point he would tell me. Well at least, I hope that he would.

Continually, I left loves bites everywhere that were accessed in sight. His sculpted abs. Chest and toned arms.

His encouraging words gave me the confidence to keep going.

I nuzzled his neck as I felt his hands circled around my lower back pulling me closer and closer.

Tonight was different.

I felt him. All of him. Well, yea Linda, his most sensitive part is glued with yours.

Of course, you feel him.

I'm not sure if it has anything to do with me finally opening up to him.

Maybe, it did.

Each time, our bodies clashed together waves of emotions flowed through my body.

Suddenly, A tear rans down my cheeks.

"Andrew, I.." I sobbed. What's the matter with me.

I don't what made me break in sudden tears.

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