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5 hrs later..

I collected my stuff from the airport and went towards the Hotel that I booked for us.

"Separate room booked for Mr. Knight and Miss Fates?" I said to the receptionist.

"Yes Ma'am, here are your keys. Need any help with your luggage?" She asked handing me keys.
"No, thank you, we are fine," I replied adjusting my purse on my shoulder.

"Mr. Knight, your Room key."

"Thanks, you go and rest I will see you in the morning..be ready at 8 am and meet me in the lobby. As you already know, We have to go to an important meeting." He said glancing at his phone.

"Okay see you tomorrow,—good night," I said before leaving, yanking my luggage to my room.


In the middle of the night, I heard my phone ringing. I rolled on the other side of the bed, rubbing my eyes as I was still in half-sleep.

I forgot to call her!

"Hey, little muffin!" She chirped.

"Hey—How are you?" I said with a sleepy voice.
"I am good,—are you sleepy?" She asked.

"Yes... I was, Mia! it's 2:48 am...." my voice trailed off.

"I will call you tomorrow then?!"

"Hey..we can talk now..what's up?" I said rolling out of the bed, I stood by the hotel window.

"I am sorry I couldn't meet you before you left...— and thank you for the delicious breakfast!" She said as her voice trailed off.

"Hey...Mia..are you missing me?" I asked.

"You know it too well!"

"Of course I know, silly..—don't worry I will be there in 2 days!..send me a list if you want anything from here?!" I asked cheering her up.

A slight laugh escapes from her mouth, "I will send you a long list Tomorrow..—oh by the way—How's your boss,—I mean how's he treating you?!" She asked curiously.

As the conversation escalated, time flew very quickly.
Late night, I went to my bed and fell asleep without knowing when...

When I woke up, I glanced over the clock, it was 12:30 pm in the afternoon.

"Oh no! I am late!!! I don't have time to search for my clothes as I haven't even unpacked anything yet." I mumbled to myself in a hurry.

I quickly changed into something I could find.

I ran toward the elevator and pressed the button.

"Miss Fates, Good morning to you," Eric said as the elevator opened, he was standing in front of me.

"I am sorry," I said apologetically.

"No problem, I understand that you needed your sleep." He said stepping inside the elevator.
"Did you eat anything?" He asked pressing the button to lobby.
"No, I just woke up 30 mins ago.," I replied, embarrassingly.

The Blissful Eyes...: fantasy Romance,-by Swati.CWhere stories live. Discover now