Chapter 31

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Me and Steph change into our outfits. Steph decided on wearing the red velvet dress that she chose as one of my options to wear. We drive to Ash's condo. We go straight to her room and she opens the door for us. "Hey ladies! There's the hockey champ!" Ash says, sipping on a glass of wine. We both hug her and she leads us to the kitchen to get some drinks. "The party's just getting started!" She yells. I grab a beer and offer Steph some. "Nah, I hate beer. More into wine." I nod, "fair enough, more for me then." She laughs.

We say hi to everyone as they walk in. They all grab a drink, some more than others and we dance to music in the middle of the room. I finish my beer and grab another. "Second drink of the night hockey star?" Lucy asks me. I nod, "gotta celebrate somehow." She smiles and grabs one to. We chat for a bit until Ash gathers everyone in the guest bedroom to play truth or dare. "Every played before?" Lucy asks. I shrug, "don't remember." She laughs, "that's the beer talkin." I nod and lean on the counter to help keep steady. "Come on let's join Ash." Lucy says and links arms with me. We go to the guest bedroom along with everyone else.

"Alright, since we're all here cause of this special lady...I think I should ask Sage to go first." Ash says. Everyone cheers and I laugh, "Alright lets see...Lucy....truth or dare?" She smiles, "truth." " long was your first kiss?" She blushes, "26 minutes." The girls look shocked. "Was it with Jake?" I ask. "Yes of course! I wouldn't kiss anyone else that long." She giggles. "Ok next," Ash laughs, "Steph truth or dare." Steph shrugs, "I'll do truth." Ash smiles, "I guess this is a more truth or truth game...I like it." Steph nods and Ash says her truth. "What was the most random place you've made out with Mitch." She giggles at that one, "Well it was one of our first times hanging out. We were walking back from dinner and he pulled me aside in an alley and we um did all that kinda stuff." The girls Ooooo. Steph shakes her head, "Ok Ash your turn. Truth or truth?" Ash laughs, "I guess I have to pick truth." Steph nods, "Good choice. Umm...Have you ever had a boyfriend other than Naz?" Ash cringes, "Yes I did but he was an asshole." Everyone comforts her which results in the game ending. Instead one of the girls plays their playlist on the speakers and we dance and drink and have a good time.

A slow song came on a we all partnered up and danced with each other. Lucy drags me to the center and laughs as we hold hands, well one of our hands since we have drinks. We chat for a while and don't realize its getting late. I can tell I'm drunk now but not as much as the other girls. When the dance is over me and Lucy sit on Ash's barstools. I hear my phone ding in my purse and rush to go get it but trip on my way there. "Are you...ok?" Steph says, swaying around unintentionally. I laugh as hard as I can, "Yes!" I get up and take my phone back to the barstools.

I manage to sit down and unlock my phone. 3 missed calls from Will and a text from Mitch asking about Steph since she won't answer her phone. I dial Willy's number and he answers. "Hello? Baby? Are you ok?" I laugh, "Yessss I'm fine." He sighs, "Your drunk." "NO! I'm not!" I yell over the music. "Ok well it's almost 3 me again when you want me to get you." He says. "I can drive I'm perfectly fine." I yell and he hangs up. "Bitch." I say and put my phone down. "What's up?" Lucy asks. "Willy is a party pooper. He wants me to go home." I slur. She shakes her head, "Same Jake says he's on his way to get me to." "Don't you have a baby to take care of...not to be rude...but why are you drinking?" Lucy shrugs, "You need to have fun every once in a while ya know." I nod, "Very wise of you to say." She looks confused but nods, "Lets go dance!" I smile and we dance again with the girls. Some even go crazy and start twerking and taking their clothes off. I accidentally bumped into someone or something and my dress rips a bit at the bottom...ok a lot at the bottom. "Who did that?" Lucy yells to me. I shrug. "Can I fix it?" She asks. "Yea." I turn around and she tries to ties the slit together but can't keep her arms straight. "It's fine mom can sew it." She looks at me weirdly, "You never mention your mom." "Oh." I say, "I miss her a lot." "Thats ok...I'm sure she does to." I smile sadly, "I don't think so...She doesn't care about me. She left me alone to go back to Finland. "Oh sweetheart that's terrible." I nod and suddenly start crying. Lucy comforts me and tells me stories that help. "Are you all good?" She asks. "Yes, Thank my mascara messed up?" I ask. (Steph did Sages makeup if y'all were wondering) "A little but it doesn't look bad." Lucy says. "Ok...lets dance!" I say and we meet with the girls and talk and dance together.

Ashley comes by and hands us all drinks again. "How many have you had?" I ask her. She shrugs, "To many I lost count." And stumbles to the next person. I keep dancing, Lucy went to sit down somewhere. I see Steph in her underwear and bra. "What did you do with your dress?!" I say. "It's to hot in here. Don't worry I'll put it on again when we go home." She laughs loudly, "What happened to yours?" I shrug, "It ripped." She nods, "You can take it off to if you feel uncomfortable." I look around and it seems like everyone else is so I nod and throw the dress with literally everyone's.

 There's a large commotion of girls at the sink so I go over to check it out.  Christina opens a beer and dumps it on Ashley, who's leaning over the sink. Then they all laugh. "Isn't that sticky?" I ask Ash. She shrugs, "I'm not wearing anything for it to stick on." I nod. "Wanna try Sage?" Christina asks and moves me to the sink without my response. "Which beer do you want?" "What ever Ashley chose." I say. "You sure? This ones strong." "I can handle it." I say and she cracks it open. But instead of spraying it directly in my face like she did with Ash, she sprays it all over my underwear so it goes from white to stained green. The girls laugh so I do to and Christina opens another bottle and sprays it in my face. Now I'm covered in beer and go to dance with the other girls. I pick up my phone from the counter, where I last left it and check the time, 2:48 Damn a lot of time went by. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and when no one answers it there are tons more...

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