Chapter 37

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When we get home, I throw my bag on the ground and go straight to the washroom to take a shower. "Whoa, what's her problem?" I hear Mitch laugh. "It was a rough practice." Will says and explains the whole story. I hop in the shower and let the warm water take over my sore body. I honestly don't know what to do. All I've done my whole life was ignore it but now it makes more sense if I do something about it instead. Tears fall down me cheeks again. I thought I was done with crying but I guess not.

I get out of the shower and dry off. I sigh and put clean clothes on. I think hard about what I should do but nothing comes to mind. I put the hood of my sweatshirt on and let the sleeves fall over my hands. I drag my feet on the floor and exit the washroom. "There she is." Mitch says. I look at him and take a seat at the table with everyone. Their eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Will slides me one of his and I take it gratefully. "I'm sorry to hear what happened." Steph says, and takes a bite of her sandwich. I shrug, "There's nothing I can do about it." I see Will and Mitch exchange looks and whisper something at the same time. "What?" I say. Will shakes his head, "Nothing baby." I give Steph a confused look and she nods. 

I finish eating and bring my plate to the sink. Since there's nothing else to do, I lay down on the couch. Will sees me lying there and lays on top of me. "Willy..." I giggle and wrap my arms around him. He snuggles into my shoulder and leaves kisses on my neck. I sigh and play with his hair, "What should we do today?" He sighs, "Whatever you want." "Have you forgotten Will? We have a game tonight." Mitch says. "Oh yea.." He says. I mentally groan. Going to a game is just about the last thing I want to do today. But...I'll always support them. "That means I have to change." I groan out loud. "No I think you look beautiful." Willy says. I give him a look. "You look hotter in sweats...In my opinion." I can't help but smile and give him a kiss. "You always look hot," I mutter. "Your blind then," He says. I shake my head. "Guys," Mitch talks over us, "We have a meeting at 12:00 to." "Shittt," Will says. I groan out loud and Will kisses my lips. "Time to get ready." I mumble. 

I throw on some ripped jeans and a baggy t-shirt. I do up my hair in a bun and call it an outfit. "I'm ready," I say and chill on the couch while Mitch and Will rush around. "Hey," Steph says. "What's up," I sigh. "What's up with you," She asks. "I dunno...practice was kinda shitty and I don't really feel like going to another arena." She nods, "I feel you. I don't always feel like going, more like I HAVE to go." I nod, "Exactly...I wanna be there for the team." "But you don't want to be there yourself." Steph finishes. I nod, "Yea. Pretty much." She shrugs, "It'll be fun though. We'll see the girls." I smile at the thought of us all being together. "We ready?" Mitch says, dragging his hockey bag out the door. "We're the ones waiting for you." I say. Me and Steph exchange glances and head out to the car.

We pull up to the arena and watch out for the t.v crews. The boys go to their meeting and me and Steph walk around the stadium. "Damn this place is bigger than I thought." I say. She nods, "My first time here I never knew when the halls ended but now I find it hard to forget." I laugh, "Have you come to every one of his games?" "Oh no not all of them. That would be to much! Just a few here and there but ever since you've started dating Will I always go with you." I smile, "You could have told me you needed a break or something." She shakes her head, "I like coming with you..your so calm and...badass. I've always needed a Sage Mckena in my life." I hug her, "Awwe that's so sweet." She smiles and we make our way to the 'private box' thing. 

Most of the girls are standing around waiting outside the box. "Hey everyone!" Steph says. "Oh my god!" They all say, more or less and we exchange hugs. "Why are we waiting out here?" I ask. "Mr.s I forget everything forgot to grab the key." Christina says and gives Ash a dirty look. Ash shrugs, "Oops." Christina rolls her eyes, "We're waiting for a security guard, janitor, just someone who would have the key. Lucy and Syd just left to ask the main office...I doubt anyone would be there this early but...we have hope." I nod, "Sounds like a fun time." She giggles, "Yea for sure." Just then Lucy and Syd turn the corner. "Well no key but the head office guy said he'll send someone," Lucy says and runs up to hug me. "Hey, glad you came!" She says, "How are things?" I shrug, "There okay." She frowns and I explain what happened this morning.

"Sounds rough." She says sadly. I nod, "Yea I might as well just quit...this shits been going on way to long." "No, no I don't think you should quit because of those snobs...I think you should keep going, wait until the scouts come, show them what you can do!" She says with excitement. I nod, "I guess so but that might not bee for another while." She shakes her head, "Non sense, I'm pretty sure their coming next week." I give her a confused look, "What do you mean next week? What's going on?" Then her eyes go wide, "I wasn't supposed to tell you that...shit," She mumbles. I stare at her and try to think. "Um..well just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll do just fine," and with that we turn around to everyone applauding that they found the key.

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