chapter ten - jerseys and secret make out sessions

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chapter ten – jerseys and secret make out sessions

"Okay! Marc, Thea go join the boys for a picture" Mrs. Preston ushered Marc and I to join Kevin and Devin.

It was their last football game of middle school and like every win, Mrs. Preston went crazy with pictures.

I glanced at Marc when I tripped, waiting for him to laugh at me but he didn't say a word. I sighed. He's been ignoring me since I asked him to the dance...

Kevin and Devin wrapped their arms around me while Devin wrapped an arm around Marc.

"Say cheese!" Mrs. Preston grinned.

"Cheese" The 4 of us said at the same time.


"Now one with just Marc and Thea" I awkwardly got closer to Marc as Kevin and Devin went to stand with their parents.

"Marc, put your arm around her" Mr. Preston laughed and Marc awkwardly wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"No, no" Mr. Preston smiled as he came over to us. "When you take a picture with a beautiful girl like, Thea, you need to hold her like this"

I frowned as I could feel Marc's body heat against mine as he held his arm around my waist.

"Smile!" Mrs. Preston clicked the camera. For a few seconds after the picture Marc held his arm around my waist and I frowned, glancing up towards him.

He had his eyes narrowed at something. Or someone. I followed his eyeline and found Kevin, glaring hard at Marc.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I sat on the sidelines watching our football team run onto the field, leading them was Kevin.

Oh, Kevin. Why can't he just leave me alone?

I awkwardly waved back to him as he made it a point to stop and wave to me. I saw him 30 minutes ago. Why did he have to do that? Now, everyone's staring at me, wearing his jersey. Something only girlfriends do and I am not his girlfriend.

How did I get to here, you may ask. Sitting at a football game wearing Kevin's jersey. Well we should go back to Wednesday when Kevin made me sit at his table and Marc invited himself along.

There I was, smooshed in between Kevin and Marc while they kept trying to talk to me about different things. God, they irritate me. It reminded me of the way they used to act as kids. Kevin trying to keep a conversation going while Marc cut him off every other sentence to tease me. But this time Marc was throwing insults at Kevin. I barely kept up with their conversations as I internally flipped about my realization.

Marc had feelings for me freshmen year and I don't know what to do with that information. I mean... It's Marc. I never thought in a million years that he would have even liked me. And the way he was acting now... it was giving me bad vibes. He wasn't acting friendly. He was acting jealous.

And I don't know how I felt about that.

Kevin refused to leave me alone for the rest of the day. He would walk me to class and even show up outside the classes I didn't have to walk me to the next one, which he wasn't in either. And once Marc found out on Thursday, he joined us as well.

And that happened today as well. But even worse. I woke up this morning and Kevin and Marc were both outside in Kevin's car. Waiting. To pick me up. And then they didn't leave my side all day.

Do you know how much attention I was getting? A lot. And I didn't like it. I didn't like the way girls stared at us in the hallways and I didn't like walking into the bathroom to find girls quickly shutting their mouths. I liked staying under the radar and Kevin Preston was not helping that. At least with Marc, it was only a few people that would send us curious glances. Now it's the entire school.

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