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Y/N p.o.v

"You're awake! I'm glad." The masked man said smiling, he had a black balaclava. He dressed in a black and white stripped button up tucked into his black pants with holes. I tried to talk but there was something over my mouth "don't worry I'll take that off in a minute" he sounded joyful like a kid with a new stuffed animal. The longer I was awake the more I started to realize my situation, I was tied to a chair hands and feet tied together, there was a piece of tape on my mouth. The room was cold and dark, and he was the only thing I could see "I dressed you into something comfortable. I hope you don't mind!" He said tucking my bangs behind my ear. His soft fingertips brushed against my cheek, I winced not knowing what he was going to do "Don't worry I won't hurt you." He said pulling off the tape. "Your really pretty" he said brushing his hand against my cheek again but this time purposely "who...are you" I said still dazed on what was going on "I'm Samuel but I prefer you to call me Sam since we're gonna be living together for all eternity" he said putting out his hand "uh" I look at his hand and raise my eyebrow "oh right you can't shake my hand because your tied whoops" he said laughing at his clumsiness "that's not what I meant, what happened, why am I here, where is 'here', why am I tied, who are you?!" I said trying not to panic "I already told you I'm Sam-" "I know your name, but why am I here" I said cutting him off "I brought you here." He said his voice sounds sad now "where am I" he looked up at me "home"

I'm actually going to try this time, I really want to know what I'm doing for this one, so if I take a long time to upload a new chapter it's because I'm still working on what I'm going to write so please bare with me.

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