Chapter 17

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The morning air was surprisingly chilly, as I made my way back to Blake's house. It was around half past seven, just after my morning training. My hand didn't hurt at all anymore and the only thing left to remind me of yesterday, was the reddish glow of the skin.

I was covered in a layer of sticky sweat and I couldn't wait to jump into the shower.

"Where were you?"

The second I set my foot inside his house, I was greeted by an already dressed Blake. I had expected him to be still asleep, so I was a bit startled by his presence.

"Training." I had nothing to hide.

My sweaty state must have made my answer trustworthy enough, as he relaxed his stiff posture. "How's your hand? Does it still hurt?" He raised his hand halfway up to meet mine, before he dropped it back down.

"It's fine. The skin still needs to heal properly, but I'm sure it'll be back to my old boring hand this evening." I held the hand in front of my face, showing him the light red skin.

"Go take a shower. We're going to our neighboring pack Blue Moon." His eyes were fixed on my hand.

"Why are we going there?" In my previous pack we didn't have the best relationships with the neighboring packs, so we were never allowed to visit each other.

"The Alpha is a good friend of mine and I have some business to discuss with him." Despite his serious expression, I could hear the affection in his voice. Whoever the Alpha was, seemed to be a close friend of his. "And his mate can't wait to meet you, so you're coming with me."

He didn't give me much of a choice in the decision. Then again, I had nothing better planned for the rest of the day. To me it didn't matter if I spent it visiting another pack or killing off time here.

However, there was something I needed to know before I went off to shower.

"How's the witch?" I knew I could just mind-link the doctor or my mother, but for some reason I didn't want to.

"She woke up last night and Victor says she's going to make a full recovery. You saved her life."

I nodded at the news and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I may have saved her life, but I also seemed to be the reason why she got hurt in the first place. The rogue had been asking for the red-haired bitch, aka me. Now, all I had to do was find out why.

After a quick, but relaxing shower, we made our way to the Blue Moon pack in our wolf forms. Once we set foot onto their land, we were greeted by their border patrol. Or Blake was. The warriors politely greeted him and informed him that the Alpha was already waiting for us.

As we made our way deeper onto the pack land, I finally realized why the name rang a bell with me. Or to be more precise, Shyrin made me realize.

This is where we met the human girl, just before the three rogues, she reminded me.

For the life of me I couldn't remember the human's name, but I was sure I could recognize her if I saw her again. I made a mental note to look for her while we were here.

Just before we reached the place where the excessive noise was coming from, we stopped. We shifted back into our human forms and slipped on the clothes we had been carrying in our snouts. Because we were both werewolves neither of us bothered to hide behind a stupid bush. Nudity was something normal to us and I didn't care what he saw.

Once clothed, we made our way to the largest building on the land. Outside the front door stood a tall man, radiating the same power as Blake. The Alpha.

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