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Yukiko and [Y/N] were sitting beside each other while resting their backs against the wall. Yukiko often spared glances at her 'new-found-friend' and in exchange, [Y/N] would smile.

Yukiko let out a bored sigh watching the other girls play volleyball, "this blows... can't we just leave already? ugh so uncomfortable..." Yukiko's voice still trembled as she lifted the ball beside her, throwing it towards the court.

[Y/N] stares towards the pettie girl. "Is something wrong, Yuki? I've noticed you've been shaking since lunch." Yukiko gave a worried glare and suspicious expression, noticing how quickly [Y/N] had caught on, not to mention her sudden name step calling her Yuki instead of Yukiko threw her off...

She blushed "What the hell. Seriously what are you? You look at me like you're reading my mind..." she then quickly bit her tongue "I mean... seriously [Y/N] you can like, Totally read my mind! That's crazy~!" She sweetly corrected herself. Yukiko then goaned, yet didn't imply she was bothered by it.

"Oh...um I'm sorry," Yukiko suddenly stands up, "haha. whatever, it's nothing anyways." She starts to walk away, however [Y/N] quickly follows behind. Yukiko turns her head curious, she opens her mouth to speak, however she is cut off.

The sound of giggles caught their attention as they watched their senpai Mitsuru walk into the gym. Yukiko seemed dumbfounded, while [Y/N] simply tilted her head looking at Yukiko's expression...

Yukiko whispered to herself, "what is he doing in gym? It's not on his schedule today..." Mitsuru glances towards their direction multiple times despite the fact he seemed to be talking to multiple girls. "Woah is Mitsuru always this popular?" [Y/N] looks over to Yukiko for an explanation.

"Well... yeah all the Nakashima brothers are." Yukiko gave [Y/N] an sincere look. "You really don't know anything?" [Y/N] looks to her feet, Yukiko's words somewhat repeated in her mind.

"I... I suppose I don't? Do I?" [Y/N] scratched the back of her [H/C] head, but brushed off her insecurities with her embarrassment. ("What kind of sister am I?") she thought, suddenly she was snapped out, by mitsuru directly approaching her.

"Ahem... um.... [Y/N] [L/N] r...right?" He was stumbling over his words...?

Yukiko quickly jumped in "uh? are you alright Mitsuru? You seem... odd...?" She couldn't quite understand his behaviour either, both Yukiko and [Y/N] glances at each other waiting for their senior to continue.

"Um I need to talk to you... [Y/N] [L/N]...?" His voice went pitched for a moment, "Mitsuru? You don't have to refer to me with my full name..." she awkwardly smiled, Mitsuru quickly replied "NO—because..."

He blinked "Because... it is my first time ever meeting and talking to you, [Y/N]...! I've never seen you EVER in my life. We need to keep our formalities." He kept nodded and looking between the two girls, who obviously had no idea what he was really implying?

Silence swept the air, before Yukiko stepped in "uh-huh." [Y/N] tilted her head. He awkwardly avoided eye contact "Ahem... anyways... the teacher... in the teacher office want to speak with you."

"Seriously? could've started with that..." Yukiko looked to [Y/N] "well then you better get going. They're probably going to be asking you about clubs." [Y/N] genuinely looked to her new girl-friend. "Are you going to be okay?"

The pretty blonde girl laughed "pfft yeah— Thanks for asking." Yukiko seemed to completely ignore Mitsuru beside her and continued to wave. "Common just get going now shoo!"

[Y/N] left leaving Mitsuru who was blankly standing beside Yukiko. "You better not do anything to her." Mitsuru harshly spoke, "why? Have you taken a liking to her?" He gave Yukiko a glare with no response, she smiled "and what makes you think I'd do such a thing in the first place Mitsuru senpai~?"

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