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[Feel Free to Skip]
Hello! Hi! sorry everyone, I've been away for a bit, but I came back and noticed my x reader story had somewhat gain a following (at least more than I originally expected) But I'm back and ready to continue! ((Sorry I left ya guys hanging on a cliff hanger)) Thank you for all of the support and hilarious comments lol anyways thank you again for reading and enjoy this latest chapter!

all in unison, the brothers sitting at the dining table sat up to the sound of [Y/N]'s screaming. "[Y/N]?" Satoru questioned in the air. Mitsuru was the first to spring into action, immediately running upstairs and into Ryoji's room.

"[Y/N] What's wrong...?!" Mitsuru bursts in, He steps back looking at the situation. Ryoji had fallen on top of [Y/N], seemingly sick and unconscious, he continuously mutters her name. His plate of food [Y/N] was holding was also scattered across his bedroom floor.

"It's Ryoji!" She looked up scared. Satoru followed Mitsuru in "oh my..." The navy blue haired adult muttered. "It seems our little brother was more sick then we originally thought." He bent down and lightly touched his forehead. Ryoji's eyelashes fluttered.

"Mhm... [Y/N]. Mitsuru. Would you please head down stairs and fetch something to clean the food?" [Y/N] gasps, "I'm so sorry...! This mess seems to be my all fault..." Satoru shakes his head and smiles. Yuusuke enters the room gaining their attention "Nonsense... Without you Ryoji would've been left ignored."

Satoru nods, "precisely! You get going now. We'll take care of our troublesome brother."

"Right..." Mitsuru helps her up, "Common, Let's head downstairs. You're also dirty..." [Y/N] looks upon herself, just now noticing the food stains. She hesitatingly nods and follows her step-brother out of the room.

Satoru gave a long sigh just as they walked out of sight. Yuusuke stands behind Satoru, "Here, I'll help you drag him back into bed." The snow haired boy offers his hand.

"No need. You can stop pretending moron." Satoru forcefully kicks Ryoji's body. He shutters in response and slowly looks with a smile, "bastard." Ryoji mutters underneath his cough.

Yuusuke takes a step back, his eyes become cold realising Ryoji's lies "ah... I see. You were merely using this opportunity to gain [Y/N]'s attention." Satoru looks upon him "playing the 'sick and innocent patient' disgusts me." He scoffs.

Ryoji chuckles a bit, "Hey. I'm willing to do what I must." he somewhat stands upwards, gaining some balance to his step he walks straight up to Satoru, the oldest present, "So... I'm going to ask this now."

"Don't fuck around with [Y/N]," all expression in Ryoji's eyes had faded. "I saw her first. She is everything I've been wait for! She belongs to me... it has to be fate... I know... I know she won't leave me!" Ryoji closes his eyes remembering their time on the bridge...

the [E/C] eyed girl blinked, "do I seem lonely...?" She softly asked, they both stood soundless. The faint sunset rested behind her.

Ryoji happily smiled, "I know for a fact she won't leave me..." He grips hard onto Satoru's shoulders, at least hard enough to leave some light bruising. "Because... she's just as lonely as me! I've seen it... in her eyes!"

Yuusuke attempts to step forward but is stopped by Satorus' voice. "Ah... I see... you're still a little kid... that same little kid with the same little delusions with Yukiko. Well almost as bad as her. You just hide it better." Ryoji's expression is quickly becoming more sinister as he slowly lifts his hand into a fist, ready to punch Satoru. "You're so easy." Satoru smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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