Metal Shadow

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~At Eggman's Base~

Eggman looks at his computer after speaking to Sonic about his plan. Once he saw that the Tails Doll wasn't on the monitor, his face turned red in anger. His teeth grit and his hands clenched up into fists.

"Orbot, Cubot" Eggman started. The two small robots look toward their boss. "Look on the computer, and tell me.... do you see the Tails Doll"

"Umm.." Orbot began. Turning his robot head toward the computer monitor. "..... No"

"Exatcly, now, what was your job?" Eggman asked, getting mad every second past.

"Uh.. to watch the camera the recording what was going on with the Tails Doll" Cubot answered. His robotic voice a little shaky, because he new Eggman was mad.

"And what didn't you do?" Eggman growled, trying to hold in his anger. However, the thing that was holding it in was failing, and fast.

"Watch it like we were supposed to" Orbot looked down. Eggman hits both small robots.


~At Your Lab~Infinite's POV~

Me and (y/n) laid in my bed, kissing and all that stuff couples do. I lick her neck for a few minutes, before gently kissing her beautiful skin. Her moans I craved the most. So I kept on with what I was doing. As I start to lick under her chin and her jaw bone. I slide my hands up her shirt, massaging her breasts. Which made her moan even louder. I reach up and kiss her gorgeous lips. Slipping my tongue into her delicious mouth. But, she tasted like.... metal.

I open my eyes and found myself KISSING METAL KNUCKLES!?!?! I scream and fall backwards off my bed. (Y/N) rushes in and looks down at me.

"Everything ok!?" (Y/n) asked, standing out side my bedroom door. I sigh and nod my head, standing up from the ground. I look up at her and saw a black and red figure tackle her. I run out and found Metal Shadow hugging her from behind in the air. I started to growl and held my ears back.

"PUT HER DOWN!" I shouted, staring at Metal Shadow. But for some reason, (y/n) was giggling? I blushed because it was really cute.

"Infy it's ok, Metal Shadow is nice now, he is just playing around" she explained. I still stared at Metal Shadow as he set (y/n) down safely on the ground. Metal Knuckles floats out and looks at me.

"I'm weirded out man" Metal Dumbass said. "Why were you kissing me and calling me (y/n)?" My face turned dark red from embarrassment. Remembering my dream from earlier.

"What!?" I look down to avoid any eye contact with anyone.

"I w-wasn't, w-what are y-you talking a-about?" Oh shit, i'm stammering. That's not good! I took a little peak at (y/n). Her face was red and trying to avoid eye contacting me.

"Yeah you were! You were like Mmm~ (y/n) *fake moan* I love you (y/n), will yo-" I punch Metal Knuckles into the ground before he said anything else. My face became an even darker red. My ears and tail glew a red hue, the hue I dislike. (Y/n) stayed silent as I heard robotic laughs coming from Metal Knuckles and Metal Shadow. The Tails Doll floats up to us.

"What y'all laughing about?" Tails asks. I groan and walk into my room. Gently closing my door behind me and lock it. Laying back down in my bed and trying to go to sleep again. This is the most embarrassing day of my LIFE. I don't like or love (y/n)! I can't! I am the Ultimate Mercinary! I don't have feelings such as love or happiness.

~Your POV

My face is still a DARK red. My ears were red to. Infinite... dreams about me? I guess I can't judge, I dream about him to. But most of them are nightmares. Nightmares trying to make me scared of Infinite, however it's not working. I sit at my work table, with Metal Shadow sitting on my work table. I'm still working on him, since Infy is in his room. I made Metal Sonic, Tails Doll, and Metal Knuckles stay in their rooms so neither me or Infy are disturbed.

"(Y/n)?" I look up at Metal Shadow, giving him my full attension.

"Yes?" I respond, wanting to know what he wants to ask me. However, i'm not to sure I wanna find out.

"Do you like Infinite back?" I don't wanna answer. I'm not sure. I mean yes I care about him and it's fun to tease him, but do I like him?

"I-I..... maybe?" I say, Metal Shadow nods and looks to the side. I know I can trust Metal Shadow. I have taken him from Eggman before, and has been my friend until war started. Stupid Eggman, took Metal Shadow and made Zero an evil villain.

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