Chapter 25 - Taking a New Master

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In the distance was a large black shadow that loomed closer and closer to them. The moonlight that had hidden behind the clouds finally escaped and shone down on them giving light to the area. The large black shadow was a group of bandits. There were at least fifteen men on horses and all were equipped with swords, spears, and arrows.

"Miss Feng Jiu, please get back into the carriage!" the leader cried. Feng Jiu didn't have to be told twice. She hopped back into the carriage and screamed at the driver, "Get us out of here!"

General Yang nodded to the driver and the carriage lurched forward. They didn't make it far because the bandits had them surrounded.

"Damn!" General Yang suddenly wished he had thrown Feng Jiu into the carriage when he had the chance. If it had just been the group behind them. He could stall them for as long as he could. By then, Kairi and Feng Jiu would have made it safely to Yang City.

The small group of guards quickly split up into two groups. One faced the south group and the other faced the north group. The leader of the bandits was riding a single horned bull demon beast. He came forward, armed with a spear in his left hand. All the bandits were dirty and dressed in clothing made of beast hide.

"What a nice looking carriage. The people in the carriage must be loaded, don't you think so, men?" the bandit leader asked loudly. Every one of the bandits laughed as they inched closer to the carriage.

"What a strong aura coming from within the carriage. Tell your boss inside that as long as he leaves behind all his valuables, I'll make sure my men leave his body intact," the bandit leader threatened. Just then Feng Jiu screamed out to General Yang.

"Are you going to let them mug us? Don't just sit on your horse! Get them!" Feng Jiu hollered. The bandit leader raised his brows in surprise.

"A woman? Well, isn't this a nice surprise. She has guts to go against me, the King of Bandits, Zhao Chen. Men! Kill the guards but leave the woman alive," he said. Almost instantly, every bandit charged forward.

"Men! Do not let a single bandit touch the carriage!" General Yang ordered as he rushed forward with his horse. The bandits and guards clashed together, mixing together and turning into a large battlefield. It was clear that the bandits weren't strong but there were just too many of them and it overwhelmed the small group of guards.

Feng Jiu, who watched the battle from within the carriage, feared for her life as Zhao Chen's words echoed in her mind. She was about to become a bandit leader's dinner. Unable to contain her fear and anger, she didn't know where or who to release it on. Then she remembered that Kairi had been sitting behind her in silence.

"Xiao You! This is all your fault! We're going to die because of you!" she screamed. She wanted to attack Kairi head on but remembered the egg that had attacked her relentlessly so she continued to scream at Kairi. No matter how much Feng Jiu screamed at Kairi, she didn't budge or speak.

"Are you ignoring me?!" Feng Jiu's anger had risen a notch and completely forgot about the battle outside. She couldn't stand it when people ignored her, especially Kairi. She didn't care anymore if the egg jumps out at her. She wanted to land her hands on Kairi. Feng Jiu's hands reached forward. She was closing in on her prey when the curtain to the carriage was ripped away. A dirty, smelly bandit stood there and laughed wildly at the sight of Feng Jiu and Kairi.

"Ah! Get away!" Feng Jiu screamed. The bandit reached in to grab Feng Jiu but a burst of energy suddenly erupted from Kairi's body. Feng Jiu was slammed against the wall of the carriage harshly. She immediately fell unconscious from the impact while the bandit was thrown into the air and out of sight. The energy that came from Kairi's body expanded outside and anyone who was within four meters of the carriage was knocked down. Zhao Chen and General Yang eyed the carriage, surprised at the sudden energy flux. Kairi had managed to advance to the next level and she finally opened her eyes.

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