Chapter 30 - A Date in Yang City

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It took five days for Zhao Chen to wake up. During that time, Nai He had been detained and his martial arts was eventually destroyed. Er Niu, whose martial arts was destroyed by Kairi's final move, woke up throwing a huge fuss after sleeping for a full three days. He tried to find Kairi to release his anger on her only to end up getting beat up to a pulp by Zhang Sheng. It wasn't long before the village kicked Er Niu out of the village.

The villagers gave up pillaging as supplies started coming in a few days after the competition. Zhang Sheng must've known how awkward Kairi felt around him now so he kept his distance with her, waiting patiently until Kairi decided to go to him.

When Zhao Chen woke up, Kairi and Yi Rue finally felt relief. He wasn't as strong as before but he was able to retain most of his cultivation. Kairi had brought up the topic of leaving the village and he immediately refused.

"You're planning on separating a wife a husband?" Zhang Sheng asked.

"Wife and husband?" Yi Rue eyed the two back and forth. Kairi's face burned and she quickly sent a glare his way. Zhang Sheng simply smiled and added, "We've been engaged for quite some time now. She was supposed to marry me until you took her away. I'm simply here to bring back my wife."

"Tu Er, is this true?" Zhao Chen asked. Kairi lowered her head unable to look up at her master. It was as if she had been caught in an affair. Zhang Sheng's words were partially true. If she didn't agree to it wholeheartedly, she was afraid a fight might break out so she merely nodded. Zhao Chen heaved a sigh and asked, "When are you leaving?"

"The moment my wife finishes her goodbye," Zhang Sheng replied. Kairi wanted to smack him but she kept her fists by her side. Focusing her attention on her master, she asked, "You're not mad?"

"You've proven how strong you've become since I first brought you here. I'm not worried anymore. Just remember to come visit this master every now and then," he replied. He sounded like he was sending his daughter off to her husband. Kairi blinked back the growing tears. Her voice was stuck in her throat so she could only nod.

After pleading for another day and only to fail, Kairi finally packed up her stuff ready to head out with Zhang Sheng.

"I packed your favorite snacks in here," Yi Rue said and handed her a wrapped up bamboo box. Zhao Chen stepped forward and handed a worn out book to her.

"I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future," he said. Kairi looked down at it. It only read Heaven's swordplay. She placed it into her pouch and thanked them both.

"I don't regret my time here," she said honestly. Zhao Chen patted her head and Yi Rue gave her a tight hug.

"Do come back and visit from time to time," Yi Rue said through tears. She nodded and finally entered the carriage where Zhang Sheng had waited patiently. With a loud whip, the carriage lurched forward. Kairi sniffed as she looked down at the snacks Yi Rue had packed her. She felt like she was always leaving the people she cared about. She first left Liu Sect. Then she left Lan Manor and now she's leaving this village.

"Why do I feel like the bad guy?" Zhang Sheng muttered suddenly. Kairi looked up from the snacks to find his arms were folded in front of his chest. He was staring out the window with a frown on his face. She had made a grown man pout like a child. "I thought you'd be happy that I found you."

Kairi was happy. She was more than happy. She was ecstatic that he showed up when he did. Her heart even fluttered at the sight of him but she wasn't going to tell him that. She would die of embarrassment.

"Master and Yi Rue really treated me well," Kairi replied.

"So well that they wanted to marry you off to that weak looking pig," Zhang Sheng retorted.

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