crying out

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That night replayed in my head over and over like it was a broken record as the only thing one could hear was my own voice the screams and pleads to stop as it went through one ear and out the other. Thinking why did I have to be targeted what made me so vulnerable that someone out there would have the courage to take advantage of such a young girl why me was all that could be said deep down I was breaking slowly but surely the pain was unbearable but no one to tell no to call too.

As I sat curled up in my sheets on the couch as my mom was at work lately things I use to do my mind just won't let me too scared to go outside feeling like my only safe havens are between these walls of my own home where hurt can't find me. But that's a lie because I see him in the depths of my dreams as his violent voice echos within me.

Isn't it strange that a few short seconds could change the outcome of our lives into a different direction.

Sometimes late at night I simply can't fall sleep
Thinking about how my innocence is no longer mine to keep. What some can only imagine in their worst possible nightmare Is my gruesome reality that can't be undone nor repaired. This was my life now nothing more than Aniyah Cleveland a sixteen broken hearted girl.

Some one save me before the inner demons that were brought on to me finish killing the girl who use to smile and laugh she's slowly escaping the power I once had ran off with him

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