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|| BRAD ||

We practiced our football plan with our coach that we've been revising over and over again. With effort, hard work, and dedication, we were doing really well, but that still doesn't mean it would grant us total success in winning the game.


After about 30 straight minutes of rehearsing our strategies, it was almost time to get ready. Jackson, Liam, and I were panting violently. We made our way back inside to our locker room and started dressing up, "I think we're gonna do great," Liam said with a grin. Jackson nodded as he was applying deodorant. After that, he slipped on his green shirt and turned to us, "you think we'll see Damian again?" Jackson asked for our opinion.

"That ass face? Most likely. He's one of their best players," Liam shook his head with a grunt.

Zack turned over to me while I was minding my own business getting ready, "Is Noah staying to watch the game?" He questioned.

"Erm... He seemed unsure when I asked him," I said and grabbed my bag inside my locker.

"Are you gonna convince him?"

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "is that even a question?" I said. Zack shrugged. Just then the bell rang, "I'm gonna go ahead, see you guys later," I waved and made my way out of here leaving the three. I told myself that I should check in the library and rent a history book to help me out with some extra credit. What would Noah say if I told him that I was completely unaware with a lot of the questions and didn't even bother to answer three of them during History? I groaned and dragged my hand downwards on my face. Upon entering the school library, I instantly noticed Noah sat down on a circular table with his friends, so my feet slowly walked up to them, "Hey Noah," I said.

They all turned to me, "oh hey, Brad," Noah said with a smile.

"So..." I said and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, "you sure you don't wanna stay and watch the game?" Using tactical techniques, I tried to sound pitiful to guilt-trip him.

Kate leaned in close to him with hands placed on each of his shoulders, "we will make him stay!" She said with a tone that is supposed to sound threatening towards Noah. I tilted my head at her. Noah lets out a sigh and as his mouth in a straight slanted line and shrugged.

"We'll make sure he won't run away," Ethan said with a grin as he reinforced the idea.

I chuckled and nodded. "Okay then," I said. We had a small talk before I had to return to what I was originally doing.

With a history book in hand that I scouted for minutes in the bookshelves. I kindly requested the librarian for me to take it home. With her approval granted I placed the book inside my bag. Glancing one more time at Noah and his friends, I made way to them, "make sure he stays put yeah?" I said with a wink.

"Sir yes sir," Kate says with a cheezy finger gun. Noah hid inside his hood and pulled on his toggles. I chuckled and smiled at him before heading out.


I'm sat on my desk chair in my bedroom working on some homework. Right after finishing one subject, I received an email from my school. My phone on my desk flashed, showing the notification. It's from my history class. I picked up my phone with slight hesitation then opened it, "75% C: war quiz," it said.


And with this tremendous timing, I also received a text message from nonother than Noah himself, "I was just alerted that our grades have been put in the grade book. How'd you do?" He asked. Why couldn't he start a conversation where the first thing he says is cute and not about grades. I swallowed a lump in my throat and typed back, "oh you know, I did great," I said. He then replied with three periods afterward. Moments later, he started calling me. I felt so many emotions at that point as I felt my heartbeat at a fast pace. I was nervous but mostly excited. I accepted his call and placed my phone next to my ear. "You don't have to lie to me Brad," he said as if he had somehow psychically knew I didn't get a generous grade. I let out a small inaudible whimper and clamped my mouth shut. "What was that?" I heard Noah say.

"N-nothing," I said with warm cheeks.

"So, what are you doing?" He asked. I started calming down and stared at my pen in my other hand. "Oh... just doing... homework," I said and dropped my pen on my notepad. I leaned back on my chair and set my feet on my desk, "what about you?" I asked.

"Well... nothing really..." his voice faded, then he spoke again with volume, "...literally nothing to do at the moment, that's why I thought of calling you," he said, almost a whisper. I blushed. A gentle smile formed on my face and slowly closed my eyes. "Well, what do you wanna talk about?" I said as I was overflowing with ecstasy.

"I was wondering with a lot of things in mind..." he started, "I'm quite inquisitive with certain thoughts like, 'why do you have feelings for me..?'" He asked.

Without even thinking, I said, "Because... you're smart, handsome, and you're really cute," I beamed like an idiot.

He fell silent for a while before replying, "I-I'm... very flattered," he said. This sense of euphoria made me forget my work.

I decided to completely ignore everything else and just laid down on my bed. "You know, I... umm... actually liked you since late sophomore year," I admitted.

"Uhuh..." he said, "... but I've never seen you date guys before."

"Well... that's in the past. I was still young, and I didn't really truly understand what I was feeling at the time. You're my first guy crush you know."

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