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|| BRAD ||

Clinging onto Noah who is on my side with my arm around his shoulders, I have barely yet to touch my food. Lots of other kids were glancing over at us for a while but said nothing. Most girls were actually surprised that I have a boyfriend in a matter of time. It also gave additional shock that it was none other than Noah. Liam was gawking over it and was talking about how upset he was to miss it happening right after we left and that we were literally at the back in the restaurant's garden. "It's about time," Taylor crossed his arms looking at both of us. I had to agree, during this whole time of getting him to confess, my patience was as weak as a frayed string ready to snap, but I guess all that waiting was worth it now that Noah had finally deemed himself as my boyfriend. "Sorry..." Noah chuckled, looking at Taylor.

"Can I try some, Noah?" Liam said, pointing Noah's lunchbox filled with a delicious smelling mini rotisserie of meats. I frowned, looking at Noah who looked back at me.

"It's fine Brad," he smiled and gave Liam his last stick.

"Thanks!" Liam said gratefully and started chowing it down. Noah let out a small amused laugh as he watched. Hearing Noah even giggle just makes my heart flutter. We continued on with our antics, having fun and such. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Noah's friends observing us; Felix and Ethan just staring, James and Kate were smiling, and Annabel had an expression that I couldn't understand. I focused my attention on her until she quickly turned around. Putting two and two together, I was having suspicions on what reasons could be causing her to act this way. I'm planning on talking to her maybe after school.

"Broah..." Jackson murmured, tapping his chin while squinting at me and Noah.

"What was that?" I said to him.

"That sounds horrible," Taylor whispered and lightly smacked Jackson's arm.

"Well I'm sorry, you come up with one then!" He argued back.

Right then, the bell rings. "I'll come up with something better," Taylor scoffed and slung his backpack to his shoulder. Jackson sent him a glare. Helping Noah pack up his belongings and making sure there aren't many people around, I gave a small subtle kiss on his forehead, "see you later," I winked at him. He rolls his eyes but smiles back at me in return before reconnecting back with his friends.


Classes went by in a quick blur. After finishing up with my last period, I bid goodbye with the other guys. Before heading towards my car, I took out my phone from my pocket and went through my contacts. Sighing, and tapping on Annabel's number, I sent a quick message, "hey Annabel," waiting for her reply, I leaned against a wall. It's been about two minutes until I felt my phone vibrate.

"Yes, Brad?" She typed.

"Hey, umm, is there a chance I can talk to you, in person?"


"There's just something I need to ask you, is right now okay?"

Three ellipses in a bubble appeared for a while, disappearing and appearing continuously before finally sending, "Sure I guess, meet me in the doors that lead to the back parking lot," she said.  And with that, I made my way towards said location. Waiting for a few minutes, I see her walking alone in the halls, her eyes looking at me. "Hi..." she said sheepishly, twiddling with a strand of hair with uncertainty.

"Hey," I said to her.

"So, what did you want to ask?" She crossed her arms.

"I wanted to talk about you..." I said, making her raise an eyebrow. "... I noticed that you've been acting unusual. What's up?"

She looks at me uncomfortably, then turns away, "it's nothing, really Brad, things about me shouldn't worry you," she replied.

I looked at her sadly, "No, it should, you've listened to my problems before, and I wanna repay the favor. You should also have someone you can lean on too," I tried to reach out for her hand but she quickly pulled away. I frowned at her. Why is she avoiding me?

Her voice fades, she seems to have had enough.

I look at her, confused, "what... do you mean?" I stared at her, not exactly comprehending what she meant by that.

"I'm sorry," she begins stepping away from me, her mouth shut tight like a diary of secrets. She began walking away while progressively increasing her speed.

"Anna, wait a minute!" I called for her, but she had already disappeared to the corners of this place. I sighed and held my palm on my face. This only brought more puzzles to my already frustrated brain. Not only that, but I didn't even get the answers to my previous questions. Groaning, I shook my head and stomped out of this place. Damn it, Annabel, why can't you just let me help you for fuck sakes. What are you so afraid of, is it me? But why?

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