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"You Okay?" Asked Shivay 

"Why?"  She asked , raising her heavy eyelids and their eyes met , making his heart skip a painfull beat . He simply stare her with a sad smile and scotted more close to her , he took her palms in his ,without exchanging a single word and pulled her on his lap making her sit on his thighs

"I was Five , When Mom left my Dad and me and Married to BadePapa" he whispered in broken voice and her eyes widened in shock .

"Badi Mom is your real mom?" She asked and turn her face towards him ,looking straight in his blue ocean eyes and he nodded in response .

"I was really small that time , but mom didn't give a damm to that ,She married bade Papa and after few months she was pregnant with Om" his voice cracked and sweats brimmed on his forehead even in cold weather of November "People badmouthed my dad and talked shit instead of pointing out my mother fault " he breathed , And nuzzled in her neck for some courage ,And not to just break down at front of her "Dad wasn't good in business and all , And without even dad's knowledge  bade Papa already took dad's sign and made more than half of the shares on his name leaving my dad without any option , he loved my Mom alott" His father's broken state and condition revolved in his mind and before he can control himself ,A broken and painfull sob escaped from his mouth making Anika worried ..

She quickly pulled her husband in his embrace and placed numerous kisses on his head "No need to tell , Okay" she whispered and he shaked negatively ..

"Dad  transfered his remaining shares on my name"His voice broked completely and all his words came out in choked tone, his heart squeezed badly in his chest , he pulled Anika more close to himself and gulped the saliva of his mouth "And One day , he sent me from here..." he hiccuped " in a hostel and paid fee for my complete education" his tears fell straight on Anika's shoulder making her realise that a stone man like her husband have emotions too ,this stone Singh Oberoi isn't stone from Inside "I craved for love ,pamper and care Anika , I start feeling jealous from other children of my age , I was in desperate need for love and everything that other child of my age got but not me"  he exhaled and continued with his story "And then I met her " his eyes showed many emotions at once , angry, broken , hatred , pain and somewhere for a second love too visibled in his eyes , Seeing love in his eyes for someone else even though for nano second broke her heart, but she controlled herself . "Your Sister" he chuckled and her eyes widened " She cared about me , She claimed to love me , She used to cook for me, She took care of me by staying awake all night when i got sick , she did every damm things which was written in my craving list , She was an Angel for me" his each word pierced her heart and her own eyes got teary , but the tears of her eyes were tears of anger "And one day i got news that dad commited suicide and he isn't anymore all though i thought that i amn't bother by this news but a part of me died that instance with my dad , After few days i got to know that i m left with nothing except the little amounts of shares my dad gave me when i was child, this news was all over on tv channel , Everyone badmouthed my dad that day too , Many people claimed that he killed himself because of his wife whom he loved allott and who left him for his brother , She too got to know about all dirty and this side of story about me " he laughed sarcastically "She turned up on my door asking for my help " Now his emotion disappeared and his blank look once again took charge "She begged me to forget her , She claimed to love Om , She said that every fucking moment between me and her was just a damm attraction for her there wasn't a little love between us" He gritted his teeth and All of sudden Anika felt betrayed , She tried to control her tears but failed miserably, She found herself completely ripped from inside .

"At that moment , I saw second version of my greedy mother ,I knew that she too left me for money like mom left my Dad for money, and Gauri happily got married with Om" vemon dripped from his voice now and he closed his eyes tightly , controlling his anger. "And One day , Your dad stopped on my door, for my hand for you, he offered me a business merger and at that time i only started my business , At that time i didn't want to marry you but for the sake of my business i did , I got agree for our marriage but there wasn't even a little amount of excitement or any kind of feeling in me , I hated you for ur sister deeds , I thought , You too will leave me in span of two or three months else i will divorce you after getting success , And in a month i start getting position in business world and I needed a wife for show off , So i left the thought of leaving you , I was too much blind behind money that my craving all other shitlist meant nothing for me , I was running behind me and then we took a step more in our relationship and got intimate , it's not like , I didn't notice change in you in past one year , I noticed every damm thing , I noticed the way your smile disappeared, Your sweet nature turned in sour but i was damm busy in my own world that i wasn't ready for took care of all that , and why would I , I didn't even liked you at that time" His pure and complete truth confession ripped her already teared heart more , her breathe start getting heavy and she struggled in his arms for getting out from his grip,  but he held her more tightly "Our first intimacy made me affraid " he quickly confessed " i never even felt that things whom I felt with you that night , but I was too stubborn to accept anything and went with flow of life and my success , Everything was going okay but the loss of our first child cracked the wall of my heart , I never showed to you but as much as you were affected by that , I was too but i thought we can make another one and I tried to cover up the loss of our first baby by making you pregnant by another one and that was my biggest mistake " his voice held guilt and shame " I should give you shoulder to lean on at that time , I should share our tears but all I did is got you pregnant" ..

"ENOUGH" Anika shouted and ran away from him pushing him harshly on bed, this all was too much for her to handle at once .

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