Chapter 19

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The silence is unbearable that I decide to speak up.

"Xander please say something," I urge while gently squeezing his hands.

"What Natalia? What the hell do you want me to say?" He removes his hands from my grasp.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep this from you but it's what's best for all of us I didn't want you to know until-" Once again I'm cut off midway through my explanation.

"Before what? Before you leave me? I know you sent in your 30-day notice yesterday." He says and the blood drains from my face.

"You knew about that?" I whisper.

"Yes as matter of fact I was informed this morning and I was waiting to see what you had to say about it but now I know." I can't believe he knows everything but the worst part is he doesn't understand why I did it. I take a deep breath.

"Xander I didn't want to do this but I was given no choice." I defend.

"No choice? What do you mean?" He demands.

"You're photographed daily and if anyone, Olivia or the paparazzi, found out about us you could be in serious trouble. That is why I did this. I... I did it because I-I love you." I let him hear the words I've been holding in for some time now. I look up at him and wait for him to say something. Instead, he gets up off his seat and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. 

"Do you really mean what you said?" He asks.

"I mean it. I love you, Xander." I answer back and I see his hands touch my cheek.

"Then why would you want to leave me?" He asks. 

"Don't be mad at your sister but she told me about the divorce you're filing and I thought if I stayed away I wouldn't complicate the process," I confess.

"Then you should have told me." He says.

"I wanted to tell you plenty of times but I couldn't find the courage to do it." Each time I thought of telling him, I was afraid of his reaction but the other part of me would hope he would take the news well. It's ironic that I wanted to keep my appearance a secret even though a couple a months ago I did want it to be known. 

"Instead you wanted to leave me. What would you say to our child if they wanted to know about me?" I never gave a thought to how he felt if I left him. I feel selfish for what I was planning to do. Xander rests his hands on top of mine.

"I don't know what I would say but what do we do now?" Now he knows everything but where does that lead us? 

"How about dinner? At my place this time? After all, the doctor advised you to get food." He suggests.

"Okay," I say getting up from the bed and Xander helps me get up even though I really don't need it. He decides to pick up my car and drive it back to his place even though I'm capable of driving. The ride to his penthouse is silent but when we get inside to sit down and eat he decides to break the silence this time.

"I want you to stay with me so I could be a part of our child's life." When he mentions our child my heart flutters at the thought of being with Xander and raising the baby together. 

"But what about your divorce?" I have to know what our plan is now that I know Xander wants to be there for me.

"I will file for the divorce but I want you to move in with me because it'll make things easier for us instead of going back and forth to my place from yours." Living with Xander is something I thought we would eventually do when we're further in our relationship. Now I understand his logic.

"What if Olivia or the media found out about me?" This doubt pushed me towards the edge when I decided to leave Xander.

"Until the divorce is settled, I promise I won't let anyone know about you." He reassures me.

"What about Olivia?" I'm afraid she can come into the penthouse any minute and that the divorce could lead to an unsettling case.

"She doesn't go to my place and if she did I wouldn't let her in. I have security around the penthouse so you don't have to worry about her," he says while brushing my hands against his fingers gently.

"Okay, I'll move in." I think it feels right to move in with the man who is fathering my child and it will be easier for both of us. I just have to let Trina know everything before I leave and I have to start packing.

"I promise I will have someone help you pack and you don't have to worry about working." He says as if reading my mind.

"What do you mean about work?" I ask. I hope he doesn't mean having me stay here doing anything but not work.

"I kind of got something for you." He grabs an envelope from his jacket pocket and sets it out in front of me. I look at him and I look at the envelope. "Go ahead read it." I can see a smile play on his lips. I reach out for the envelope and as I'm reading it my eyes go wide.

"Xander, you didn't?" I'm in disbelief over the first few words on the paper.

"I bought the Miller company soon after our visit with your family. I bought it because it was going to go bankrupt anyway." Xander explains.

"So who is going to be running it?" I'm confused he bought the company to spite my father but I don't understand why he is sharing this with me.

"You, of course. I bought it and had the company be under your ownership." I'm shocked but at the same time, I'm touched that he bought it for myself.

"Xander, you really didn't have to do that." It's unnecessary that he did this. 

"You already put in your 30 days and I think this would be a great opportunity for you. Please take the position because you deserve it and besides the company is solely yours, not mine." He has a point and I can't argue back because he already bought it and named me the CEO of the company.

"Okay, I'll take it but let me finish working for you just until my 30 days are up. I promise I'll do my best for this company." I really can't believe my dream of being an executive of my own company in such a short time is finally coming true. This is all I ever wanted since I decided I wanted to go to school for business. 

"I know you'll do well and we'll figure out an easier work schedule when you reach further into your pregnancy." He promises.

"Thank you, Xander, for everything." I gently squeeze his hand.

"No, thank you for staying." He says back. The night goes on as we eat and soon I take my leave so I could rest up for the next day of the gala decorating. Xander insists I shouldn't go but this time he doesn't argue with me because he knows how much work is to me. He and I are workaholics which is something we learned about each other early on when we first started working together.

The next day I arrive and let everyone know that I'm okay to work despite the scare they had the other day. It turns out the workers followed Olivia's orders because they knew who she was and didn't question her. Soon after Xander arrived that day he was able to stop her before everything drastically changed. Soon after our talk, I re-grouped with the helpers and Lisa. We began the process of re-decorating the venue. This sets us back a few hours but by the end of the day, the venue is back to its original state before Olivia made her changes. The venue looks like a glittering Hollywood Gala in the main hall. We just have the entryway to decorate and wait for the caterer and the florist to arrive on the day of the event. I'm proud that everything is done and we don't need the next day to work so I dismiss every one as I lock up to leave. 

That evening Xander calls asking if I needed anything and if I was doing okay. I tell him I don't need anything and that I'm fine. He wishes me a good evening and I go to sleep. I feel a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and that the future for Xander and I is almost clear.

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