Chapter 37

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Xander's POV

Little did Mr. Castelle know that Alizah and I decided to get the police involved while I followed Mr. Castelle's requests.

The plan was to find him first and to give him the money. My job was to deliver the money which is actually a bag full of fake cash and a smoke bomb that will go off when he opens the bag. The first thing I have to do is rescue my daughter and get myself out of the building before he opens the bag. When the bag is open the police will carry out the arrest.

Right now all I can do is sit and wait for his final instructions to meet him. The next day he texted me his location and he reminded me to bring the money.

Before I leave the hospital I had doubts this plan wouldn't work and that I would be too late to rescue my daughter but I had to this for both of them. When I arrived at the location I followed his instructions to deliver the money. The location he has given me is an abandoned shipyard building that's not far from fisherman's wharf. When I get inside the dimly lit building I see Mr. Castelle dressed in casual jeans and a black jacket.

"Well, you finally showed up?" He asks.

"Yes, and where's my daughter, Alistar?" I have to know she's here and alive.

"Fine, but first the money," Alistar demands.

"First I want to see my daughter," I say trying to stick to the plan.

"Fine." He sighs before walking towards the workbench. Behind the bench is a small baby carrier. Inside lays my daughter asleep and for a quick second, I lose my breath when I see her. She looks just like her mother. My thoughts are stirred when Alistar clears his throat.

"I still need that money," Alistar says impatiently.

"Here, just let me have her," I say. Mr. Castelle grabs the baby carrier and hands it to me. As I grab it Alistar grabs the duffle bag that I'm holding.

"Well thank you for doing what you were told to do." He says while holding onto the large bag.

"Goodbye Alistar," I say just before I head outside the building as quickly as I can. When I walk further down the block I call the chief officer to give them my signal.

A moment later the ambulance and the FBI arrive.

"Mr. Reed we need to do a check-up on your child." The EMT nurse says. I hand my daughter over and follow them to the ambulance. The nurse looks at my sleeping daughter over by checking her vitals.

"Is everything okay with her?" I ask as the nurse is silent.

"Yes and no. Your daughter's lungs are weak based on the way she's breathing. She may have been deprived of food and may have been drugged to sleep so we'll take her back to the hospital for immediate care." She says.

"Okay," I say. I can't believe that damn bastard would do that to my daughter. I had eventually learned from the questioning by the police that Alistar had faked my daughter's death and passed her off to some couple who believe he was an adoption agent. When I learned this I wanted him to pay for everything that he put Natalia and me through. Before I head back to the hospital my phone starts ringing. I look to see that Alizah is calling before I answer.

"Hey Liza," I say.

"Thank god you're alive! I thought I would never hear your annoying voice." Alizah says.

"Good to hear from you too. What's up?" I ask.

"The doctor came by to say that Natalia woke up. He also said that she was asking for you." She says.

"I'm on my way," I say.

"Hurry." She pleads before I hang up.

I race to the hospital and make it in less than 10 minutes. I haven't seen her in the past 24 hours when she was shot so I haven't prepared myself when I would see her. When I make it inside her hospital room I notice that she is hooked up with multiple tubes and a bandage sticking out from under her hospital gown. The nurse told me Natalia was out soon after they sedated her for surgery and part of the reason I couldn't see her until now.

"Xander!" She exclaims and I walk faster to sit down next to her. I notice she has no makeup on and her styled hair from the party is wavy. She's still beautiful nonetheless and I only care that she is alive.

"Natalia," I say. Everything that has happened to me the past 24 hours I forget when I see her. I've lost this woman many times and I don't ever want to lose her or our daughter again. I promise myself that I would protect them because they have suffered enough from me.

"What happened?" She asks. If only she knew but I can't tell her yet.

"After you were shot you were rushed to the hospital. I learned that Alistar was behind this and the police tracked him down. You don't have to worry about him or the guy that shot you because they're in the police custody." I really don't want to worry her on the details.

"Well, that's good he was caught. What happened to everyone else?" She asks while I place my hand over hers.

"Everyone is outside in the waiting room." Answering her question.

"What about Olivia?" She asks.

"She's not here last we saw her." I don't want her to worry about Olivia because the police are doing their best to find her.

"Oh. What about your parents? I hope I didn't worry them much." She's always considerate for others and it's something I love about her.

"They're fine. I apologized to them especially my mom. I was wrong about them." I admit.

"Really? When was this?"She asks in disbelief.

"While you were in surgery and the nurse asked if anyone can donate blood to save you." I still owe them a lot more than my apology.

"Well, at least something good came out of all of this." She chuckles and I laugh with her. God, I missed her laugh.

"I'm sorry for not wanting to listen to you when you tried to warn me at the party." I feel guilty because I was distracted at the party and my mistake placed her in the hospital.

"You were busy and you shouldn't be worried." She says while gently squeezing my hand.

"I am sorry and I promise that I will never do that to you," I say and she smiles at me. "You know I had something to give to you that day." I think it's the right time that I do this now instead of waiting to do it later

"You know it was yours and Alizah's birthday that day?" Natalia points out the irony in that situation.

"Yes but you know I don't care," I say.

"Fair enough." She says smiling at me.

"I know the timing isn't right to do this but when is it? I had it all planned out but I think it's only right that I do it now." I admit.

"Xander what do you-" Before she asks I get down next to her hospital bed and pull out the black box from my pants pocket.

"I love you Natalia, and I want to spend the rest of my life tied to you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" I ask while opening the black box that holds my mother's wedding ring. For a moment I see tears stream down her face.

"Yes." She says before taking a breath.

"You will?" I ask for reassurance.

"Of course I will." She says smiling and when I get up from kneeling on the floor I place the ring on her finger. I'm surprised to know that it fits her. I feel her free hand touch my face and I move closer towards her so I could kiss her full lips.

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