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Wednesday morning. Yesterday night was... weird to say the least. I feel like Damon is mad at me, but I don't really know why. When Liam dropped me off at my house yesterday, he seemed kind of smug about something, and hugged me longer than friends normally do when they say goodbye.

I showered, changed into ripped boyfriend jeans, a tight long-sleeved black shirt, tucked in, and dr marten boots. I let my hair down, almost reaching my butt, and put on some mascara. Because of my cast, I couldn't drive my bike without having a car accident, so Liam is picking me up.

Jaxon peeked his head in from the doorway. "Are you actually going to stay in school today?"

I snorted. "Maybe, who knows?"

A car horn went off and almost scared the living shit out of me. "Liam's here." I told Jaxon, kissed his cheek, grabbed water and left.

"Who the fuck is Lia-" Is all I hear before I shut the door.

Liam is leaning on his porsche, waiting for me to come out, and smiles when he sees me.

"Hey." He says as he opens the door for me. What a gentleman.

"What's good?" I mumbled as I saw him pull out a bag of chips, and I suddenly had a huge craving for them.

I snatched the bag out of his hands and stole most of the chips, then handed it back to him. He stared at me, jaw open and his hazel eyes wide open in shock. "Did you just... take my chips?"

        I popped a couple in my mouth and nodded a little too eagerly. "Yup!"

        He scowled at me and shook his head. "I hate you right now. I was hungry."

        I shrugged. "Let's go eat somewhere then."

        He shook his head. "No I refuse to buy you any food from now on."

        "Oh pleaseee."


        When we arrived, we had three minutes before we had to get to class, so I just decided to go pay a visit to Damon, who hasn't texted me like he normally does since yesterday. I found him at his locker, right as he was slamming it shut after grabbing a notebook and pencil. I walked up to him, and when he was me, he tried to run away but there was too many people so I caught up to him quickly. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me. He refused to look at me, instead looking at his eye level, which was at least a foot above me.

        "What the hell is your problem?" I asked him, getting irritated.

        He glanced down at me, looking shocked. "What do you mean what the hell is my problem?"

        "Why have you been ignoring me since yesterday?"

        He rolled his eyes. "Haven't you guessed?"

        I frowned. "What do you mean?"

        "You're really gonna make me spell it out for you, huh? Well Scar, I-"

        He was cut off when Hazel came up out of nowhere and sidled up next to him, closer than she needed to be. "What are we talking about guys?" Hazel seemed to be more open around me or Damon, but not when she was around the other guys.

       Damon frowned, but didn't finish what he was going to say. He closed his eyes, breathed out, and looked at me and gave me a heart stopping smile. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to close you out or ignore you, ok? Friends again?" He asked, holding out his arms to give me a hug. I studied him for a second, but couldn't resist and tackled him in a hug. He stumbled back a couple steps, crashing into a group of people behind him who hurriedly moved to give him more space, regained his footing, and crushed me into his chest.

        We stayed like that for a while, hearing the bell ring, but neither of us moving. We finally pulled away and I stared into his crystal blue eyes. He looked down at me, his eyes soft, and gave me a kiss on the temple, his lip piercing cold against my skin.

        "I guess I forgive you." I told him.

        He snorted. "I'm glad. So, erm, wanna skip?" He asked hopefully.

        I sighed and shook my head. "I should stay for at least the whole day today." I looked at my phone and saw we were 15 minutes late. "Shit, we're late for 1st. Meet me at my locker next period!" I told him, as I backed away from him. He saluted and went into his class.


        I had 1st period with JJ, second with Damon, third/science with Kai, who I learned was more studious and quiet, and Ryder, who I learned was easily the player of the group. Fourth/math with Liam, fifth/music with Olivia and Hazel, and sixth and seventh, lunch and history, the whole 'gang' had them together. When the day finally ended,  I was talking to Ryder at his locker, when I felt someone wrap their arms around my stomach and carry me to the other side of the hallway, which was less crowded since kids were going down the stairs to leave.

        "Ok, put me down whoever you are." The mystery person put me down, I turned around and wasn't the least bit surprised that it was Liam. "Of course."

        "You're still riding with me right?" He asked.

        "No she's not." A deep voice stated behind me, and I knew it was Damon.

        Liam looked over my head at Damon and arched his brow. "And why not?"

        "Because she's going with me."

        "Um, why?"

        "Because we always get ice cream after school."

        "Lie." Liam growled

        Damon smirked. "Well, we're starting a tradition."

        I rolled my eyes at both of them. Boys. I saw Kai and Ryder heading out together, probably leaving together too. "Guys wait up!" I yelled at them and they turned around and nodded their head at me.

        "Where are you going?" Damon and Liam both asked me as I started walking away from them.

        "You guys are acting like babies, so I'm leaving." I didn't say anything again, leaving them.

        Ryder looked back at them, and down at me. He grinned. "You're in deep shit."

        Kai shook his head, smiling slightly, "They really fucking like her."

        I shook my head slightly, nah, they don't.

a/n: again, not proud of this but again, its whatever. I'm trying to make the chapter longer, but this one was seriously short, so sry about that! I have a lot

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