26. The People We Meet

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After breakfast, we headed out. Katherine was upset about Christopher's departure, but did I care? No, but I did find it humorous. Christopher, though, looked like he couldn't get out fast enough.

"So, where is this park?" I asked Christopher. We were in a carriage on our way to this so-called park. The truth was, I wasn't sure if we were going to a park. Hell, we could be going to a bar for I knew.

"A little ways away. We should be there soon," Christopher said in reply, looking out the window.

He didn't answer my real question if that it was a park we were going to, so I tried to be a bit more direct.

"And what are we going to do at this so-called park?"

He turned his head to me with a puzzled look on his face. "Well, I planned for us to walk." He smirked. "But we could do other things. Just name them."

I kicked his leg. "What is your problem? Get your big head out of the gutter for Christ's sake."

"I can't tell if you meant that as a compliment for being so intelligent or an insult for my impeccable sense of humor. But considering it's from you, I'll take it as both."

I kicked him again. "Ow, what was that for?"

I smiled. "Oh, that was just for pleasure." I laughed. "I suppose I have to amuse myself somehow. Why not hurt the man that kidnapped me?"

"I saved you, darling. I didn't kidnap you."

"Then return me home," I said sternly, looking him right in the eye.

He smirked. "Not a chance. I'll return you home when it's time. The game isn't over yet," he said, looking back at me.

"When's the game over?"

"Oh, darling, we just began."


"This is the park," I asked, looking up and out the window in amazement.


"It's bigger than I imagined."


"And we are just walking? We have no other purpose here than to walk?"


I stomped on his foot again. I guess he didn't see it coming because this time, he didn't even flinch.

"Now that that's over with," I said, smiling, "let's see what's so interesting about this park."

"Well, you see darling, it's not that it's exciting or anything. I just thought that it would be nice to have a little chat in some fresh air, don't you think?"

Christopher wanted to chat? What could we possibly talk about that we haven't already said? I was to pretend to be his wife to steal (I think) money, he wouldn't let me go until he was done with me, which he established was a while from now, and I hated him.

What more is there to discuss?

I rose my brow. "Why?"

"You'll see," and right at that moment, the carriage door opened. We got out, paid the driver (with decent pay that I convinced Christopher to hand over), and went on our way to the entrance of the greenery.

There were many people there, people with children, people with wives and husbands - a real family place. I guess you could say that Christopher and I fitted in with the crowd.

"So, our little chat?" I asked. Christopher took my arm and started to guide me through the park.

"Well, my dear," he said. "I need to discuss another reason why we are here."

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