The admission of guilt...

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One very crucial part of a family is the element of forgiveness. As understated as this virtue might seem to be, when it comes to family matters, it is a key ingredient. If it is not offered, the lack of forgiveness has the power to break up a family. But forgiveness has the indescribable power to bring a family together and make it stronger if one chooses to offer it... wholeheartedly and freely.

The nights when Can sat alone in the comfort (or discomfort) of his home while reading a book, or thinking about life, or all matters concerning Sanem, were long gone. They seemed so distant he wondered if he had even imagined them. All those nights had been replaced by sleepless hours filled with piles of diapers, heaps of dirty newborn-size clothes, and newborn cries or coos. Times three... And he could not be happier or more fulfilled. He was not only a happily married man but now a father too. His broken heart was healed and filled by Sanem, and more love for her and their children than he could have ever dared to hope for, or dared to believe was possible in his life.

These sleepless nights now made him think about life more than he ever had before, but in an entirely different way. He used to stay up at night thinking about his future, his next step, his plans. He was a man who always crossed his "t's" and dotted his "i's". A man who double- and triple-checked to make sure everything was in place. Can Divit always had a plan, and at least three ways out in case Plan "A" did not work. It always did though because he made sure it did... until he met Sanem. Then those plans flew out the window like the early bird Sanem was.

But now... Now his nights were filled with thoughts of the past rather than the future. Thoughts of who he used to be before Sanem came into his life and filled his heart so completely. Their love was something he did not expect and did not know how to plan for, and luckily, he had not. Sanem had turned his life upside down. But as strange as it might seem, she actually grounded him. She forced him to face the shadows of his past, but she did something more. Something she may not have fully realized, even to this day. She had also helped Emre turn his life around. Can wondered about the timing of Sanem's having joined Fikri Harika. Was it Sanem who needed the work? Or was it really Fikri Harika that had needed Sanem?

Can was glad they had been able to spend time alone in Galapagos. They had needed that time badly. He realized many others had interfered in their relationship for far too long and far too many times. Even though their family visited them in Galapagos, they were able to spend much of that time alone... together alone. Their time alone helped them to heal. It allowed them to talk about many issues and past mistakes. It helped them mend what was broken between them. Helped them to work through many moments and issues that had not been resolved in the past.

Sanem told Can she knew he was not the one who had burned her notebook. She admitted how wrong she was to defend Yigit for so long, and realized Yigit was the one who threw her notebook into the fire after speaking with CeyCey. He really was her brother at heart. They had talked about Yigit and how crude and vile he turned out to be. CeyCey made Sanem realize that Yigit was a conniving and dark-hearted man who had jeopardized her love for Can. This even went back to the very beginning of their acquaintance with Yigit. CeyCey helped Sanem see that if she had listened to her heart, and not just to her mind which was geared toward her writing aspirations, she would have seen through Yigit's fake compliments. Maybe she would have never left the agency. Maybe she would not have driven Can away, and they would not have lost each other for a year. Sanem apologized to Can for having put Yigit before him, telling Can that he was the only person who ever mattered to her deep in her heart.

In turn, Can admitted to Sanem just how far he had gotten in reading her notebook. This proved to her that he actually did read it. Can revealed when he got to the part where she surrendered her perfume in exchange for his freedom, he had read that page over and over. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of times. Each time, Sanem's words crushed his heart with a punch that kept intensifying with more pain. He could not believe that the true reason she surrendered their scent was in exchange for his freedom.

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