12 - Jealousy

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

I wake up to the front door slamming. Yes I sure did take another nap. I didn't mean to but I was trying to take notes from the recording Ziya sent me and at least glance at some calculus work.

I groan laying back down on the couch. My dogs start barking making me groan even more. Liam chuckles from the other couch getting up. First time he's like showed emotion around me.

"You got laid huh?" Liam's voice was loud and clear.

"Sure did, would recommend." Jackson says even louder and they laugh. Seeing that I was not going to able to go to sleep I get up walking into the kitchen where they were.

"Well hello sunshine." Adrian says sarcastically seeing me enter. I still had the blanket wrapped around me. I didn't feel the greatest, my periods lasted an entire week, and progressively got worse. Like to the point where I'd throw up. It was terrible and made me feel like shit.

I lean into whoever was sitting on a kitchen stool. I didn't care. I look at the person as they wrap their arm around my side. It was Luca. "You look gross, what's wrong?" Adrian comments.

"Is it your end of a sentence?" Jackson asks carefully. I nod. "But didn't you tell me it started like 3 days ago?" I nod.

"It can last a whole week you dipshit." Liam speaks up. Jackson flicks his forehead making me lazily smile. It went quiet as Luca still held me and I closed my eyes.

I open them to see Jackson glaring at the both of us. "What?" I ask lifting myself up from leaning.

"Why, you jealous Jackie?" Luca teases. I was confused why would he be.

"I'd say yes." Adrian speaks for Jackson.

"No fuck off." He says unfolding his arms.

"What about now?" Luca asks and I furrow my eyebrows looking to see what he was going to do. He leans in like he's going to kiss me. He winks at me playfully so I go along with it. I start laughing though making him laugh too.

"Seems like a yes to me!" Adrian shouts looking at Jackson to see him clenching his jaw. Fuck, that was sexy. "Oh I like your hair by the way." He compliments and I thank him forgetting that I cut it.

Jackson unfolds his arms walking to me and Luca. "You're coming with me." He states taking me away from Luca.

"Awe you upset Jackie." Liam coos laughing with Adrian amd Luca. I wrap the blanket around me more following him up the stairs. He opens his bedroom door slamming it shut once I got inside.

I lean against the door waiting for something to happen. Before I know it he's towering over me with his hands on either side of me. "You think that it's cute to flirt with everyone?" He asks, here we fucking go. I roll my eyes folding my arms and start cracking up in his face.

"With who? Luca? What babyboy you upset? I can't lean on him without you getting mad. I don't even understand why you're mad. I'm not yours, I'm not his either. Maybe your should calm your instinct to have control over everything." I say as he clenches his jaw. He was in just a tank top and his muscles were sitting very nicely. Bad time huh?

"It's my house isn't it?" He asks and I nod.

"Yea well obviously—." He cuts me off.

"Didn't I tell you to watch your tone and how you speak to me?" This man was so off.

"You sure did, and guess what? Nothing's happened." I argue back. He chuckles lowly leaning down to my making me shiver.

"You don't ever shut your smart ass mouth do you?" He says nibbling on my ear. "I can shut you up, if you want or would you rather have me make you scream," He says huskily running his lips down my neck. I don't say anything waiting to see what he was going to do next.

I hated myself for liking this even one bit. I'd just blame it on my period for being even more horny, yea let's blame it on that. His lips travel along my neck, tickling it along the way. I stood quietly.

If I didn't want it I would've kicked him in his balls a longgg time ago, let's get that straight, but I was curious. He sucks on my neck making me almost make a sound but I didn't. Close, very close. I almost let something slip. I bite my lip as he sucks at the very end of my jaw under my ear. That was the spot.

It was sensitive and tender and I only now just realize that he was gripping my waist pulling me into him. He plants a final kiss there lifting up looking at me. "Close your mouth babydoll." He says chuckling. "If that's got you all flustered, that's nothing." He comments pushing his hair back. I was not supposed to be turned on at all. However, I had to act like I wasn't.

I walk to the mirror in his room looking at my neck. Of course a hickie wouldn't show up like how it would on a fairer person, but it was still there, and seeable. "Fuck." I mutter to myself just to meet his eyes in through the mirror. He smugly smirks.

"Oh you liked it." He says, yeaaa I did.

"We'll blame it on the hormones." I say rolling my eyes. He takes a deep breath sitting on his bed and I walk to the door. This shit is weird as hell maybe that's why I haven't had my first kiss, or time yet. I know embarrassing ok.

"Do you still have cramps?" He asks making me stop at the door. I respond with a yes. "Well what do you do?"

"Take meds, hot water bottle, and sleep." Yea not the best methods and I know curling into a ball doesn't help but I can't help it sometimes.

He runs to his bathroom. "Here. It's all I can do." He says handing a hot water bottle to me. You know what I really wanted is to cuddle with somebody but that's weird so I just take it and walk downstairs.

It's been only three full days here and I surprisingly felt comfortable, comfortable enough to sleep on the couch in the family room. The millions of guards was still very weird and scary but they're a need.

Falling over on the L shape couch Thor followed me. I laid in the corner and Thor ran under my head. I guess he's my pillow now.

Jeez I sleep a lot.


I swear more Kiona and Jackson scenes, soon I just feel like its a lil too soon, seeing as if they met a week ago.

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