20 - I'm a bad bitch

23.7K 978 523

Kiona's POV

+ not edited

Here I was again. Being dragged along to get some shipments back. It wouldn't be easy at all because who would take something and just give it back easily. No one!

"You ready babydoll?" Jackson asks stretching. I nod frowning. He laughs upon seeing my face. "It'll be quick and easy." He says. That was a fat lie.

He intertwines our hands pulling me along with him. He was ambidextrous which was cool as hell to me. Anyway, we approached a parking garage.

He leads me and his crew to the front. I hated this already. My heart started beating really fast. He looks down at me, squeezing my hand.

"Ahh, Jackson and friends." A guy with long black hair and pretty tan skin walks out. "Oh, you got yourself a girl, she's cute isn't she hmmm. If you don't want him call me baby," He winks at me and I gag internally rolling my eyes at him.

"Mateo." Jackson acknowledges nodding.

"So, you're here...I'm guessing for your shipment? Yea well that's gone, and so are the other 5 crates we took with the help of Richy and Charles here." The guy laughs pointing to the traitors. Looking at Jackson, he was pissed off.

"Babydoll, hide behind there, shoot anyone who's not one of us." He whispers in my ear. I see him fire the first shot at Mateo not seeing where it went. Gunfire was exchanged in the dim ran down parking garage. It was dirty, lowly lit and had empty dumpsters and crates all over.

I hear footsteps meeting Jackson. "You alright?" He asks breathing heavily and I nod. "I promise, no more shit like this soon." He breaths out touching my cheek. I look into his eyes feeling really safe even in the middle of all this. Cheesy and mad stupid, I know.

I see him look at my lips making me lick mine but I forget where we are. "We'll continue this later." He says smirking.

He crouches down kissing my cheek, it was more like the corner of my mouth leaving me confused-ish. I don't care, I was feeling like a bad bitch now.

Like that vine, "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me".

He pulls me down behind a van peeking out and shooting. "What the fuck?" He was wide eyed seeing me shoot as well. He doesn't question me any further. The gun he gave me, had a lot of power to it and my hands were getting clammy just holding it.

I take out my hair because it was really big. Taking it out of a puff made me shorter, by a lot. I continued to shoot over his shoulder, managing to scare some people off. I was glad because I didn't see a lot of blood, until I shot one of the traitors, in the knee by accident. I stared wide eyed at Jackson to which he only looked at me amazed. I felt sick, but he didn't need to know that.

"Alright alright," I hear the same deep voice call out that spoke before. "We'll repay you the cost in damages." Mateo says from afar. Jackson didn't make a move to move at all. He couldn't have said that before we started shooting?

"Yea that's bullshit Mateo!" Jackson growls out standing slowly cocking his gun. I watch him stand from behind the car making me extremely nervous. Peeking behind a tire Mateo stood with both hands up and some of his men behind him. Jackson brought the gun up to his head making me flinch.

"Gotta keep you alive so you can repay me right?" Jackson spits, his eyes turning a really dark shade which scared me. I knew he had this side but never witnessed it. I see Mateo nod. "Bullshit." Jackson says and I see one of Mateo's men from the corner put his hand on the trigger. Jackson wasnt going to see it coming but I did and I had to react.

Babydoll (BWWM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin