Chapter 18

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Haifa was too preoccupied in her thoughts when the palanquin came to a stop, and only when the guards called out to her did she pull back the curtain and step out. As soon as she set foot on the ground, Haifa brushed away her thoughts whilst straightening out her dress and looked up to see the Prince standing under the shade of the entrance.

Her Prince.

Just the mere sight of him, made her chest tug towards his direction. A smile leapt across her features, unable to conceal her delight. From where she stood, the scar was a faded line across his face but she could have sworn, just below it, the corner of his lips rose a little in response, but their distance made it hard to tell.

Beside him, was his dear cousin, who immediately started speed-walking towards Haifa with a gleaming grin on her playful features.

"Welcome back, Habeebati! I missed your dearest company!" Thaina greeted, engulfing Haifa in a tight hug, before cupping her cheeks. "My goodness, you have lost weight!"

Haifa chuckled.

"I have only been gone for four days! Besides, with all the wedding food I've eaten, I'm pretty sure I have gained rather than lost," she explaining, earning a laugh from her sister-in-law.

Leaning against a towering pillar, Abbas watched the two under the cool shade, Haifa's smile instantly clearing away the stress and anxiousness he felt over the days she was away. He stood patiently waiting with his arms crossed, as his wife and cousin chatted away, taking steady steps towards him.

Oh, how he wished they would walk faster so he could embrace Haifa, as much as he wanted to the moment she stepped out. But of course, dear Thaina had to beat him to it.

The moment they were an arms distance away and their eyes met, Abbas' mind went blank. He stood with his lips parted, as the words slid right off his tongue.

Haifa grinned.

"It is nice to see you too, Your Highness," she smiled, slightly embarrassed to call him informally in front of Thaina. Haifa knew the Prince had spent the whole morning inside his study, by the way, his ebony hair swept to one side. And it was most likely due to his habit of running his fingers through his hair under moments of stress.

"My my, will you look at that! My cousin has been rendered speechless!"Thaina giggled, and Haifa tapped her lightly on her arm.

The Prince cleared his throat. "Ehm...I have no such...problem,"

"Oh please, we all know how happy you are right now, but you refuse to show it," Thaina teased.

"Habeebati, stop teasing my poor brother,"

At the entrance of a new voice, the three turned to see the Crown Prince striding by, followed by a group of ministers behind him. As he came closer, the ministers fell short behind him, out of respect for their privacy.

"I wouldn't miss a chance to tease him," Thaina said, wrapping an arm around her husband's.

"Salam Your Highness," Haifa greeted.

"Wasalam, it is nice to have you back at the Palace again. The atmosphere has definitely become livelier since you have entered, especially because of these two," he said motioning to his brother and wife. "Their moods have brightened for sure,"

"Did something happen whilst I was away?" Haifa asked, noting how Abbas' demeanour changed in an instant.

"Unfortunately yes," Prince Harun frowned, and Haifa immediately sensed it wasn't good news.

"There was an intruder at the Palace," He started when Abbas cleared his throat, interrupting him.

"I'll explain to her later, but I'm sure my wife would like to rest first after her journey here, " he affirmed, gently wrapping an arm around Haifa's shoulders.

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