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Salma watches a few distances away as a storm of dust flurries by the feet of the two opponents, their sandals sliding across the dusty field. The boy huffs raggedly as the girl swings her wooden sword again, determination etched into her glaring eyes. 

Another swing from the girl and the boy just about ducks in time to avoid it. Gripping his weapon he readies it to strike and lunges forward. However, his partner is just as stealthy and dodges his attack with the hilt of her weapon, pushing her force against the boy. It becomes a battle of the strength as they glare at each other with clenched teeth, sweat sliding down their chins.

Salma can't help but chuckle at the sight. The girl was ten years old, a year older than the boy. Despite their young age, they have so much competitive fire, always trying to be better than one another when it came to everything.

"Fatima, will you go easy on your brother?" Salma interrupts, striding over to stop the two siblings before they end up hurting each other.

The two break off their duel, sending each other death glares as they huff for air.

"Don't you dare go easy on me," the boy grits at his sister, who scoffs in amusement. Before she could reply with a witty comeback, Salma handed them each a leather sack of water.

"Now, now. I understand your determination but you both need to calm down,"

"I won't stop until I beat her," the boy added, narrowing his eyes at the girl.

"Junayd, are you being difficult again?" Came a voice behind them.

"Mama!" The two kids dropped their wooden swords and skipped over, smiles beaming on their faces.

"I hope he wasn't hassling you," Haifa smiled guiltily as Salma strode over to them.

"Of course not, these two angels would never hassle me," she grinned, ruffling the boy's hair and cuddling the girl.

"Mama, Junayd keeps annoying me!" The girl huffed, folding her arms before turning to her mother. 

"Junayd..." Haifa warned and the boy looked away. "No matter arguing you too. Now, you both need to shower before eating dinner,"

"I'm going first!" The girl exclaimed, flashing a grin before sticking her tongue out at her brother and skipping off into the Palace.

"No, I want to go first!" Yelled the boy, running after his sister.

Whilst Haifa let out a deep sigh, Salma let out a chuckle.

"All they do is bicker. Inshallah, Thaina doesn't have this issue with her twins when they're older,"

"Kids will be kids. They may argue, but at the same time, their bond strengthens,"

"Salma, have you thought about starting your own family? You are still young and capable of having your own," Haifa started, as they walked through the corridors. "Give the proposals a thought, I know Dalia has already spoken to you about this before," 

Salma pressed her lips nervously. "The Palace has become my home, the thought of leaving scares me,"

"I understand, Fatima, Junayd and Nur would miss you, but this time you need to think of yourself. You deserve to be happy Salma," 

As they followed after the kids, the conversation was ringing in her mind, the idea of having her own family becoming less frightening the more she thought about it. 

Maybe, Haifa was right.

She deserved to be happy.


Written In The ScarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora