Chapter 19a- Within the Clearing.

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This is the more mature chapter but is still suitable for teenagers- no full-blown smut here. I wasn't going to write this chapter but have been encouraged to do so as, apparently, I write love scenes sweetly.

 @Dobby113, this is for you.


Within a dimly lit clearing, she stopped. Kylo didn't look anywhere but at her, he didn't speak, merely waited as she looked at their interlaced hands.

"I'm afraid of tomorrow," she said eventually, "but not of failure, not of Palpatine."

"What do you fear?" Kylo asked

"What you said earlier, doing what was necessary, should Palpatine take hold of you? You believe in order to defeat this evil, you must stand alone, and sacrifice yourself, that frightens me."

"I made my choices, and now my fate is sealed. My life is a fair price to pay for all I've done to bring an end to it all. For peace in the galaxy. Your survival is enough for me."

Kylo reached a hand to her face and gently lifted her gaze to meet his.

"Should the worst happen, you will face that evil, and you will defeat him."

She smiled at him, but it wasn't a reassuring smile but a sadly mistaken smile.

"No, Ben, defeating Palpatine isn't what I'm afraid of," now, her free hand brushed his hair from his face and reached up behind his ear to rest upon his jaw. Kylo knew now what she was trying to say, but he didn't believe it, though he wanted to with every fibre of his being. That she cared for him as he cared for her. Her actions had shown it so many times, and yet, how? How could she feel anything for him when she knew everything he'd done?

"Then what?" Kylo asked her, searching her face as she tilted her head at him.

"Do you not know?"

Kylo did, but he wanted to hear it. He needed to hear her say it. "Say it."

"I've been alone my whole life. I don't want to be alone again; I don't want to lose you," she replied, her thumb stroking his face, her fingers caressing the back of his neck.

He smiled just a hint before without a moment's indecision; he bent his head, and his lips collided with hers. Rey reached her arms around Kylo's neck as their kiss deepened, and around them, the Force rippled and spiked.

From around his neck, Rey's hands were removing his cape. She pulled away from their kiss to plant the garment on the floor before kneeling upon it and reaching out a hand to him. Kylo swallowed before placing his hand in hers, allowing her to pull him down to her upon the mossy floor. Rey sat beside him, her hand on his chest. Kylo could feel his heart hammering against her touch. Around him, he could smell the damp ground, a pleasant moist earthy smell. Kylo lost himself in her eyes as the world around him disappeared, and Rey gently pulled him to her. Kylo smiled just a hint before without a moment's indecision; he bent his head, and his lips collided with hers. Rey reached her arms around Kylo's neck as their kiss deepened, and around them, the Force rippled and spiked.

Wrapping his arms around her frame, he held her tightly. She was this most precious thing, and he embraced her to him as they shared a kiss sensual and sweet, never wishing to let her go. Finally, with no one watching with no interruptions, the softness of the kiss deepened; Rey's lips against his were just as ardent in their need. Every caress, every movement, every opening of her mouth to feel his mouth within hers was consuming Kylo with a hunger he'd never known existed. Within him, a heat burned one he couldn't quench but for her, and his arms grasped her back, wanting more.

"Ben," she sighed into his mouth as she pressed her hands against his chest. She'd pulled herself away. Did she not want this as much as he did? He tried to control himself, to quell the tide of emotions, but then her hands reached for his tunic, undoing it and removing it from his shoulders. He complied with her hand's instructions and aided her as she removed the black undergarment from beneath.

Rey eyed his torso, tracing each scar with gentle fingers, occasionally looking up at him sadly. Kylo knew his body was awash with years of injury and pain. Kylo didn't move, just watching her as he attempted to steady his breathing as her touch caused his skin to shiver. She turned her back to him to remove her own clothing, unwrapping the layers beneath her simple top. With the wraps removed, Rey sat with her back to him, and he edged forward to stroke her skin. Kylo followed the freckles across her back like a map of stars. He gently kissed her shoulder, then removed the bands holding her hair up, allowing it to fall in auburn waves across her shoulders. She turned to face him, touching his face and his hair with the hand she wasn't holding across her naked form.

Kylo smiled at her nervously before gently reaching for that arm and pulling it from her to rest around him before he placed his other hand on her hip. Rey moved, and to his surprise, she lifted herself up to sit on his lap. He gave her a hapless smile. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever beheld before their kissing resumed in earnest, almost desperate. Her soft flesh pressed against his chest, setting his skin aflame, burning with passion. Their desire was palpable as her hands raked at his back and shoulders. No longer satisfied with her lips, Kylo explored the crevices of her neck and where her neck met the blades of her shoulders. Kylo's one hand held the length of her back, thumbing her spine, grasping her to him. His other hand moved to feel those soft mounds that pressed against his chest. Beneath his fingers, their form instantly changed, prickling with sensation hardening, and Rey's hips instinctively tensed around him. Kylo's loins ached with pleasure as Rey's gentle grind against him began to build into movements that made his core burn with desire.

Rey pulled his hair and stopped his kisses. Within his eyes, Rey could see that hunger she'd seen before, that need. Rey wanted to become one in every way, and so she stood to take off her leggings, never taking her eyes from his. Rey watched him eye her naked body draped in the light of the stars as though attempting to imprint the images upon his memory. He absorbed each line and curve before finally removing his clothing. Ben knelt at her feet, her willing and devoted companion. Her other half, her soulmate. He waited for her to make whatever move she wished; she was in charge of this moment. Rey knelt to sit upon him; she said no words, merely nodded as Ben positioned himself for her. Her hands grasped his shoulders for purchase as she slowly lowered herself. Ben's face watched her concerned as she slowly sank down upon him until their connection was complete, like two parts of a component locking into place, always meant to be one. Her breathing was strained, she knew, and Ben raised his eyebrows at her, a silent question, but her warm, moist lips against his were answer enough. Slowly, those instinctive movements began anew, and Rey felt herself stir in her core each time their thighs convulsed. Her arms wrapped tightly around him. One of Ben's hands gripped her hips while the other clung to her neck. It was as though they were attempting to merge, as though even this proximity was not enough.

Rey could see Ben maintaining an element of control, nervous about hurting her, but she didn't want him to. Embracing his lips in a kiss, she whispered between breathy gasps, "Let go."

Their unison movements increased in vigour, and Rey gasped with each connection of her hips against Ben's. Rey clung to him, his intense gaze her focus. Each collision caused Rey to gasp with feeling; her every inhale was his exhale as a stirring and tingling within her core built and began taking hold. Around them, the Force seemed to thrum with energy; their bond was a pulsating white silence. Two within the Force that should be one, and they were. The sensation within Rey built, and all of a sudden, climaxed, and she cried out as Ben grasped her tightly, his body tense as he moaned into her chest. A wave of Force energy erupted out from them. Earth shifted, loose stones and rocks rolled, and a dead tree fell with a thud. Rey looked in that direction, shocked and turned to Ben, who was smiling broadly through his exerted breaths.

"Huh," he mumbled, as surprised as she was by what they'd done.

Within her arms, Ben quivered

"You ok? You're trembling," she whispered.

"I'll be alright," he murmured before ending their conversation with his lips softly grazing hers before relaxing himself into her arms, nuzzling his face into the warmth of her neck.

They stayed within the jungle, within the darkness; the Resistance, the First Order, Palpatine, the Sith, and the Jedi were all forgotten as they lived this moment within each other as though it were their last.

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