Forbidden City

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How did she have to end up at Qi Nation? Ying Yue sigh as she hopes that the Commander General, Li Jian wasn't at the capital or else things could get messy.

Once bidding farewell and thanks to the villager, Ying Yue went to the nearest post office and wrote a letter to a shop called Moonshine as this was their secret headquarters for her shadow guards. Though it was a restaurant, it is also a place where they could easily gather information as they exchange news with merchants that sold their ingredients and talk with customers about the latest gossips. The extra money was also used to fund their activities.

If anything had happened to her, she could just write a letter to the owner which was actually Pei Zhi and only he could understand her hidden message.

'One is currently travelling around the capital. And one might be lost and misses home. Take Care and Be safe', this means that she was at a capital but the second sentence dictates that it was not Jade City and that it might take a while for her to go home. The third line indicates how Ying Yue hopes that everything could be taken care of while she was gone for a while.

Once the letter was sent, Ying Yue bought a horse that is quite fast and even changed her clothing to blend in with the crowd.

Though she is a female, she was quite used to wearing pants instead of a dress. But nobody could find fault with her as she seems like a dignified hero that even the people around could not help but take a look at her at times.

Ying Yue then went to eat dumpling soup at a restaurant that was located in front of the Flower House, where men go to meet women and have entertainment.

"Element, can you sense the sword of darkness?" Ying Yue asks through their mind link as thousands of scenarios played through her mind if that did happen.

Element ponders for a while before saying, "I do sense him but I am not sure of the distance as he might be at the palace or somewhere else"

Another thing Ying Yue learnt was that Element could sense his brothers anywhere but he does not know the distance. This only happens when they have reached a certain radius and Ying Yue felt bitter as this was like a double-edged sword since though it is good that they can know each other's location, it is also not good as one cannot hide from the other.

"We are leaving as soon as I stock up the items", Element nods and was quite sad he could not look around.

Once she had finished eating, however, there was suddenly a ruckus at the Flower House as someone was suddenly brought outside and when Ying Yue had looked it was a beautiful girl who looks so beautiful and cute that she had the instinct to protect her.

Once she had finished eating, however, there was suddenly a ruckus at the Flower House as someone was suddenly brought outside and when Ying Yue had looked it was a beautiful girl who looks so beautiful and cute that she had the instinct to protec...

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A/N: Something like this per se

There was a red hand mark on her cheek as she tries to cover it with her hand but as her hand was small and white, it only made the mark even more evident. And since she fell to the ground, it made her look even more pitiful.

"How dare you refuse this Duke!" A man wearing a green robe strut out seemingly drunk as he walks down the stairs to reach the girl.

She must've opened the door and caught the men's attention, Ying Yue thought.

"Aiya, what bad luck. She must be the newcomer", someone says.

"Truly bad luck indeed. She just had to catch the Duke's attention", another one sighs.

"Just how many times has this happened now?" Another asks.

Ying Yue looks at the surroundings and though there were many watching, there was none that wanted to help the girl. This makes her blood boil as they prefer to enjoy the drama instead. But another thought runs through her mind as the audience might have gotten used to this and thus does not want to do anything or be involved anymore.

She then paid the dumpling shop owner and went to help the girl up as she shields the girl from view and glared at the man in front.

As Ying Yue was quite tall and had a bigger built from bodybuilding, she could easily cover the girl but not completely and had an intimidating look as her glare made the Duke a bit cowered.

But then the Duke regains his attention and snapped out saying, "And who are you to dare interrupt this Duke"

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