Ming Zhu

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After Ming Zhu was treated, Ying Yue pampered her like a loving child and even made Li Jian jealous. Ying Yue had even tried to get Li Jian to marry Ming Zhu but Li Jian refused as he promised Ying Fan that Ying Yue would be his only wife.

Although it was a futile attempt, Ying Yue treated Ming Zhu as a long-lost sister and asked the servants to take care of her. Ming Zhu did not reject but she also did not accept either and just let Ying Yue do what she wants.

A few days passed by and Ming Zhu began to warm up to Ying Yue. They spent their time together whenever Ying Yue was at the mansion and did not interrupt her when she was working or with Li Jian.

But sometimes Ming Zhu wanted to sleep with Ying Yue as she said she was afraid of sleeping alone since she has nightmares at times due to the Princess's abuse.

At first Li Jian could tolerate Ming Zhu's behaviour but stealing Ying Yue during bedtimes and ruining their night was the last straw so he wanted to throw her out and marry her to someone else, this made Ying Yue mad and thus the two were currently in a cold war.

On one particular night, instead of Mei Fu which was Ying Yue's trusted maid given by Li Jian, it was Ming Zhu who brought the medicine that was said to help her with maintaining good health. It was actually a medicine for good fertility as Li Jian wanted Ying Yue to get pregnant quickly but he lied saying it was a tonic for strengthening one's body to get her to drink the medicine.

Ying Yue did not give a second glance of doubt towards Ming Zhu and had drunk the medicine in one gulp as usual.

Ming Zhu said she wanted to sleep with Ying Yue again as she was afraid of nightmares and Ying Yue agreed. So, the two spend the night together and Ying Yue had gone earlier to sleep than usual.

Ming Zhu who is still awake then took out a weapon which was a small knife from her waist and turns towards Ying Yue who seems to be peacefully sleeping.

She brought the knife to Ying Yue's white and slender neck but as soon as they were 1cm away, her hands began to shake and she withdrew back her knife.

After debating in her mind, with the same resolution as before, she turns to kill Ying Yue but Ying Yue's eyes that were closed was now open when she saw Ming Zhu with the knife.

Ying Yue was still calm as she stares at Ming Zhu and raise up her hand to take the knife away from Ming Zhu's hand. Ming Zhu did not fight and let go of the knife which was now thrown away.

"Why didn't you just do it?" Ying Yue asks. She had already noticed that Ming Zhu behaved weirdly the moment she gave her the medicine as her eyes could not help but stare at the bowl with a meaningful look but Ming Zhu must have not noticed this.

Ying Yue pretended to drink the medicine but she actually covered her mouth when she was drinking and had the medicine drip down her neck to wet her clothes instead. She then changed to a nightdress and was cleaned by Mei Fu who notice what was going on and wanted to tell someone but Ying Yue stopped her and told her to stay away later at night and she would deal with this alone.

Ming Zhu broke down in tears as she looks at Ying Yue, "Princess Bao Zhai said if I killed you then I can finally be free from her" she explains and looks pleadingly at Ying Yue asking for forgiveness.

Ying Yue looks disappointed, "I've told you that I would protect you no matter what, why didn't you trust me?"

Ming Zhu's tears flew down even more as she hugs Ying Yue, "I trust you, I do but-" she got speechless, she was too scared of Princess Bao Zhai that she could not even trust anyone's words. Her brain was too traumatized to make the right choice.

Ying Yue sigh, "Get out, I don't want to see you anymore and I'll let someone take care of you instead."

Ming Zhu wanted to protest but she could not find the energy thus she nods and goes out of Ying Yue's room but before she closed the door, she had looked at Ying Yue with a sad smile and said "I loved you"

That was why she couldn't kill her, despite abandoning her after that time, she could not forget her saviour and still had feelings for her despite being a female. Oh, how she regrets it. Why couldn't she trust Ying Yue and just stay by her side forever?

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